Chapter 13

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[ I forgot to mention that? ]

Lisa was in trouble.

Currently she was leaning against the lockers, watching Jennie as the girl walked down the hallway in all her awesomeness. Actually, she was more like... running. Probably from the group of people that were following her around like a love-sick puppies. God she looked hot when she was mad.

After last nights dream the blonde's attraction to the Korean girl was borderline uncontrollable. It was a wonder that she didn't just take the girl on the floor right there.

But she did have some pride left... a minuscule amount but still.

Actually, she was screwed.

Jennie looked absolutely livid as people kept asking her to be their date. Lisa's eyes narrowed at the admirers- didn't they know that they didn't have a chance with her? She was at the top of the food chain and they were nothing but a bunch of average, run of the mill losers. She deserved much better.

Suddenly, the head cheerleader's scowl transformed into that sexy little smirk as she got closer to Lisa. The brunette's eyes had no problem fucking the shit out of her.

Then Jennie winked.

Did I say screwed? I meant fucked. Lalisa Manoban was absolutely fucked.

And no one but Jennie Kim was to blame.


"Jennie will you-" a hopeful boy with a large amount of pimples started.

"Fucking NO!" Jennie yelled. She was beginning to lose it. After her little 'I'm waiting for the right person' line, everyone seemed to think that they had a chance of being that person.

They weren't and she was so sick of it.

"Can you all just leave me the fuck alone? I promise you that I will not be going to homecoming with ANY of you. If you come near me again I will go on all of you!" She yelled at her followers. With fear in their eyes (and more attraction) they finally seemed to get it and they dispersed.

Jennie sighed heavily, glad to have a break from the chaos. The day was almost over and the badass hadn't even spoken to her. She hoped by keeping those people around she'd make the blonde jealous but nothing seemed to work- even her super hot wink! Most people would melt instantly at that but the other girl just looked the other way and pretended not to see her (In reality, she did it just so that Jennie couldn't see how much she was affecting her).

"Hey Jen watcha thinking about?" Rosé asked, coming out of nowhere. Jennie, who's feeling paranoid for thinking of Lisa, jumped a little.

"God damn it, Chaeng! Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry?" Rosé said, confused by her friends reaction. "Why are you so jumpy?"

"I'm not jumpy, you just surprised me. Sneaking up on me like that..."

"Okay..." The hot nerd trailed, still not convinced (She did walk straight in her line of vision). What was she not telling her...?

"So has Lis asked you to the dance yet?"

"What? N-no why would you think that! That's just- that doesn't even make sense!" Jennie stuttered, making the red headed girl smirked.

"So you don't want her to ask you?"

"NO!" She reacted instinctively," I mean... god will you keep it down?"

Rosé just teasingly beamed, "Wait, you do want her to ask you?"

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