Chapter 16 (1.0)

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[ Out of control - Part. II (M) ]

The next day Jennie felt miserable. She had ended her and Lisa's text conversation with a simple 'Gotta go'— afraid of what she might say next if they continued. After that, her night went to hell.

Lisa consumed her thoughts as per usual and she felt especially awkward at the dinner table. It didn't happen much but all three members of their family were sitting down eating a home cooked meal at their formal dining room.

Her parents chatted amongst themselves as she sank deeper and deeper into her thoughts. Thoughts that got dirtier and dirtier as the night progressed so that when she was finally in bed, she was practically sweating as she tried to control herself.

Never had a mere thoughts sent her into such a frenzy that she was practically throbbing. Instead of taking care of herself though she decided to try to sleep it off, praying that she would fall asleep quickly.

She didn't, which was part of the reason why she was so miserable.

The other part was because of yup, you guessed it, Lisa. She wanted her so bad it hurts.

"Hi guys..." She mumbled to Rosé and Lisa, who were leaning against the lockers talking. She knew she should stay away from her 'friend' but she just liked being close to her.

"Wow. You look like shit," The red headed girl stated.

It was true, the brunette looked tired as hell and her makeup wasn't as perfect as it usually was. She didn't wear her cheerleading uniform with her usual confidence- even her pony looked droopy. Fucking Lisa was really wearing her down.

"Yeah... I didn't get much sleep last night. Studying for a test," She lied.

"Aww poor Jennie. You need your beauty sleep you know? You look exhausted," The Thai girl said worriedly.

"Yeah I know... I'll probably take a nap when I get home." 'That is, if I can stop thinking about you' she thought while looking at the blonde.

"Good. Wouldn't want you tired for the fundraiser tomorrow right? But I think I'm going to wash my baby today- that is, only if you can't make an exception to the 'no motorcycle' rule?" Lisa asked hopefully. Seeing Jennie in a swimsuit washing her bike would be beyond hot.

"Sorry Li, but I really can't," She said actually looking sorry.

"That's alright," The badass pouted. Jennie's eyes flickered down to the latter's lips immediately, "I'll probably bring my car around anyway."

Suddenly, a random jock came up to them out of no where.

"Oh you're coming to the fundraiser, Manoban?" Some guy asked. The head cheerleader missed Rosé's smirk because she was too busy glaring at the jock.

Why the fuck was he talking to Lisa?

"Uhm yeah?" She answered innocently. 'Don't make her jealous intentionally' was going through her mind. But this guy came up to her.

"Well you should stop by the food table. I make really good hot dogs. I'll even give you one for free if you'd like," He winked. Really? What was up with guys and offering her their hot dogs?

"Really? Thanks!" It was obvious to everyone standing there that he was flirting but she just carried on like it was a normal conversation.

It still made Jennie extremely jealous though. SHE should be the one offering Lisa her free hot dogs!


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