Chapter 21

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[ I won't say I'm inlove... at least not out loud ]

[ M ]





"I umm..." Jennie stuttered, equally surprised by her Freudian slip, "It was just a figure of speech! I don't-"

"You love her..." the hot nerd said in disbelief.

Jennie didn't know what to say. Part of her was saying 'NO, HELL NO I'M NOT IN LOVE!' And the other part was saying, 'Well, maybe...'


"You LOVE her!" Her teasing friend repeated.

"Chaeng just stop saying that word for second," the brunette sighed, putting her hand in her face. Shit, how did this happen? Why would she say that if it wasn't on her mind? So she was definitely thinking about it in someway...She chanced a glance up through her fingers only to find thered headed girl staring and smiling her creeper smile at her.

"I-I need to go. I need to think... and stop looking at me like that," Jennie glared before getting up.

"Okay, okay take all the time you need!" Rosé said a little too eagerly, "And you know loving her wouldn't be a bad thing. Again, I'm not judging andㅡ"

"ROSEANNE I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T SHUㅡ!" She exclaimed, cutting off her rant.

"Right, sorry... you need thinking time." The head cheerleader shook her head before starting for the door, she thought her friend was way too invested in her relationship," Wait, Jen...?"


"So was the date really that good?"

The cheerleader smiled shyly to herself. Despite these new thoughts she still thought,

"It was perfect."


Needless to say Jennie avoided Rosé and Lisa for the rest of the weekend. She had locked herself in her room and thought. People do that, right? When they just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling and tried to sort out their lives?


The word seemed so... foreign to her. She never got the impression that her parents really loved her and all her grandparents had the same mindset as them so 'family love' was never really given to her. And obviously she'd never liked someone romantically enough to love them. Jungkook was her only steady 'relationship', aside from the couple of one night stands here and there, and God knows she didn't love him.

That left friends, which she never had a lot of so really, Rosé was it. She loved the Australian girl like a sister but it was completely different than the way she felt for Lisa.

...but did she love her?

The brunette knew she never had such a strong connection with anyone else ever before. She never felt so attracted to anyone eitherㅡ like, seriously her body went crazy whenever she was with the doe eyed blonde. Her heart sped up, she was more aware of herself and with someone as sexy as Lalisa Manoban, she got really hot and a little trembly. One look from those big glimmery eyes made her knees go weak.

She shook her head quickly.

She didn't want to get side tracked.

Lisa was also so easy to relate to and talk to; Jennie wished they had become friends sooner. She made her feel safe, like she didn't have to worry about her parents or status or school or her sexuality. Labels melted away when they were together.

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