Chapter 14

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[ Girls night in ]

"Finally, I can take your guy's The Notebook virginity!" Rosé said, bouncing into her kitchen.

"Are you alright?" Jennie asked. She never thought that the red headed girl would be taking any form of her virginity.


The hot nerd has been acting super weird lately. She doesn't bounce – she glides with eerie elegance – but now she seems like she's hiding more than usual (which is a scary thought in itself).

"I'm perfectly fine," the girl beamed, she had plans.

Big plans.

Jennie and Lisa exchanged a worried glance, "You guys go sit and I'll be right there." She wanted to make sure she wasn't in the middle of them. She grabbed chips and six cans of coke before entering the living room, quickly analyzing what she had to work with.

The badass had her arm on the back of the couch and Jennie was sitting with her arms and legs crossed. Posture says a lot. They were sitting at least 3 feet away from each other.

She could work with that.

"Scoot over, Jen." Rosé said, forcing her to move closer to the taller blonde— who didn't have enough time to move her arm. Now she had to stay like that till Jennie moved.


"Alright, let's see what everyone's yapping about." The head cheerleader huffed, pressing play.


Three fourths of the way through, the girls were practically bawling. If someone from school walked in they'd be in for the shock of their lives.

Badass Lalisa, bitchy Jennie, and cool– calm and collect Rosé crying like pre teen girls that couldn't see the new rated- R movie? As if... but apparently anything is possible.

"W-why did you make us watch this, Chaeng?" Lisa whimpered through her tears. Yeah she was badass but badasses can cry too y'know?

"This shit is depressing..." Jennie mumbled, trying not to let the tear spill over the eyelid. It wasn't a tear if it didn't spill over the eyelid.

"I-it's a right of p-passage," Rosé insisted. Suddenly her phone rang and she paused the movie. Her plan was in motion.

"Mom?" Lisa and Jennie exchanged a curious glance as they eavesdropped.

"Yeah... okay sure. I'll be right there." Then she hung up.

"Uhh... isn't your mom upstairs?" The brunette asked.

"Yeah but she doesn't like to strain her voice. Watch it without me I'm sure I won't take long..."

And then there were two.

They were both very aware of the others presence and how they were alone. In a room. On a couch.

"So... do you wanna keep going?" Jennie suggested, her body temperature rising as her nerves started to get at her.

"Y-yeah, sure." The blonde pressed play and the movie resumed, except now she wasn't focusing on the film. She was focusing on how their bare legs were barely touching and how close the other girl was.


"Chaeyoung, why did you want me to call your cell phone?" Mrs. Park questioned as her daughter walked in the room.

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