Chapter 7

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[ Some much needed insight ]

Rosé had let Lisa and Jennie sleep in that position until she was absolutely sure that they couldn't sleep in anymore.

Then she urged Nico on them.

The little boy had woken up hours before and Rosé had time to make him pancakes.

"Okay little Nics... now!" She whispered in his ear.

"B-- but won't they get mad a me?" He asked purely concerned.

"No, I'll take the blame. I promise-- this is how Jennie likes to be woken up."

"Are you shurr?" Rosé nodded furiously. Nico heaved a sigh before walking to the side of the couch where their heads were.

"BOOOOYAAAHHH! LALALALALALALALA!!" He screamed song. It got Rosé's desired reaction and they both tumbled on the couch with groggy screams.

Jennie yelped when Lisa's weight pressed on top of her. Still shocked from the suddenness of being woken up, Lisa didn't even try to stop the downward momentum. Causing both of them to groan in pain when they collided into each other.

Rosé was on her ass laughing with her face as red as her hair color. Ungracefully, Lisa rolled off of Jennie who moaned in pain again.

"NICO!" Lisa bellowed. The poor little boy immediately backed-up with wide, fearful and glossy eyes.

"Loshyy asked me to!" He yelled before running off. Both girls immediately turned their attention to the still laughing red head.

"You little bitch!" Jennie exclaimed, charging for Rosé but not knowing entirely what she was going to do to her yet.

"T-- that was awesome!" She said between her hysterical laughs. Seeing the dangerous look in both of her friend's eyes, she tried to get up.

Lalisa Manoban and Jennie Kim were not people you wanted to mess with separately. So you're fucked if they're both out to get you and Rosé was well aware of this.

The hot nerd made a break for it but Lisa was too fast and straddled her, pegging her legs down. The head cheerleader help and pinned her arms down when she tried to struggle out.

Basically she couldn't move.

"Well Nini? What do you think we should do with her?" The badass asked smirking as Rosé struggled beneath her.

"I'm thinking something along the lines of taking away her graphing calculator, or burning all of her homeworks." Jennie said, smiling deviously.

"Oh please, my teachers would happily give me an extension and you two a detention once I told them that it was you guys' fault!"

"She's right Nini, that's not NEARLY good enough! How about, we swiped all of those poems she writes and post them on JHS's site?" Rosé's eyes widened. Only two people knew she was a closet poet-- and they were pinning her down... In hindsight, Rosé realized that telling them wasn't the smartest thing to do.

"Oh that's right! How could I forget about those?"

"Perfect! Can you go get some duct tape so we can tie her up?" Lisa asked, a twinkle visible in her eyes.

"GUYS NO!" Rosé protested, trying to get free in vain. If anyone saw those poems... well, let's just say they were super embarrassing.

"Lis?" Nico's voice came from somewhere behind them. They stopped momentarily just to look at him. He was now dressed for school with his bag slung over his shoulder, "It's 7:45."

Lisa was confused before she suddenly realized what he was talking about.

"OH CRAP!" The blonde said getting off of Rosé quickly, "I'm sorry little Nics I just have to get ready!" She said, sprinting up the stairs. Ten minutes later, her hair was brushed and she was again, wearing the red headed girl's too small clothing.

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