Chapter 16 (0.5)

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[ Out of control – Part I ]

"So uhm... you've got Cheer?" Lisa asked.

"Uh huh, you have Glee?" The Thai nodded.

"Do you want me to walk you to the locker room?" Jennie quirked her eyebrow suspiciously.

"Friends walk friends to their after school activities, Jennie." She said it mockingly.

"But the locker room is past the choir room."

"So...?" Lisa said with a smirk.

Fuck, if Jennie would kept feeling like this whenever the blonde glanced at her, she was in trouble.

"O-okay," she stuttered.

"Want me to carry your books too?" The badass added with faux innocence and sparkling eyes.

Yeah, Kim Jennie was in trouble.


"Just wondering," she shrugged. The brunette missed the mischievous side-long glance that the doe eyed girl shot her.

They began walking, staring in silence.

"So I have to perform today in Glee," Lisa began. The head cheerleader laughed, glad that it wasn't so uncomfortable anymore.

"That sucks, I can't believe you and Jeon are forced to be in that stupid club!" Lisa just stuck her tongue out at her 'friend'.

"Yeah I know. The only thing I have to look forward to is one-upping Jungkook when we have to perform."

"I wish I could see that, it would be hilarious."

"You know... if you REALLY wanted to, you could come watch me perform."

"Li, I wouldn't be caught dead in that choir room."

"You could stand outside- watch me humiliate Jeon, yell some supportive words at the doorway."

Truth is, Jennie REALLY wanted to watch her. She was really curious to hear her sing and dying to see her dance.

...those abs.

But that seemed a little too... desperate. Besides it's true, if someone saw her watching then Glee club rumors would spread. Sure she liked to sing but that didn't mean she'd risk social suicide. Not even for Lisa.

"I don't think so."

Lisa's eyes grew huge and her eyebrows crinkled in the most adorable way. Then her lip jutted out ever so slightly in a pout to complete the cutest puppy dog look Kim Jennie had ever seen.

"Please Nini?" She asked simply.

The brunette faltered and looked away. That look. She was caught between screaming 'd'aaaaawww' and feeling REALLY guilty for denying her.

"Please...?" She whispered, getting close— not in a friendly proximity.

"I- I uhhhh..." The Korean girl stuttered as she got lost in her 'Lisa haze' again. It's just that... those eyes. They were so deep and her skin looked so soft and those lips were so...

"O-okay," she agreed without even realizing it. The sad look from the blonde's face immediately disappeared to contort into a face-splitting smile.

"Yay! I'll make sure to be extra awesome just for you!" Lisa reassures, "Okay, kick some ass at practice I'll see you later!" Before parting ways, she kissed her cheek.

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