Chapter 26

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[ Just another uneventful day ]

[ M++ ]


Sunlight hit Jennie's face and her eyes fluttered open slowly. For once she woke up completely rested and without the urge to go back to sleep. She could feel a hand slowly caress her hair and she turned around in Lisa's arms only to be met with doe eyes.

"Hmm this is a nice way to wake up..." the brunette hummed. They were outside sleeping on the deck in a mass of pillows and blanketsㅡ still naked but more comfortable than either had ever been in their life.

"Couldn't agree more..." Lisa sighed happily, loving the feeling of the smaller girl's bare body pressed against hers.

"I don't want to get up, but we have school..."

The badass groaned. "Do we have to?" She pouted.

"Well, I wouldn't want to get my girlfriend in trouble now would I?" Jennie felt her smirk.

"Unn r-right... err did you bring any extra clothes?" Jeez all this time with Lisa and she still got her flustered.

"No, I was hoping to borrow some from you."

"Lisa..." Jennie scolded, although she couldn't help but imagine her in her clothes. So hot.

"C'mon let's get ready!" The Thai girl exclaimed, suddenly ripping off the comforter. The head cheerleader squealed at the cold and clung to Lisa tighter.

"Lisaaa!" She whined. The blonde stood up swiftly, tugging on her arm.

"Alright alright I'm going!" They finally made it to the room (still naked) and the taller girl started rummaging through her closet.

"Oooh can I wear this?" She teased, pulling out an open-back, low cut, short black dress and putting it in front of her to model it. Jennie gulped as she envisioned it on the tall badass, it would probably barely cover her ass and boobs, if it did at all.

"Umm... maybe something a little, more...?" Lisa rolled her eyes playfully and put the dress back to look for something else.

"Oh! You know what I just realized? I'll need some clean underwear too, seeing as how you made me ruin mine." The blonde's back was turned so Jennie didn't even try to hide her blush.

"Oh this will do perfectly," Lisa smirked as she showed her find: a red lacy thong. If you could call it that, a few straps of material connected by a thin string would be more accurate. Lisa didn't wait for an answerㅡ not that Jennie was in any state to give oneㅡ so she slowly slid the material up her legs, keeping her eyes on her girlfriend the whole time. Jennie's however were following the thongㅡ HER THONGㅡ as it moved closer to its destination.

Jennie let out a small breathy moan that she had to chew her bottom lip to stop herself when it finally reached her pussy, which she could tell was already slick and waiting for her.

"M-maybe we should take a shower before school?"

"Mmm nope... I really like how this..." she trailed as she rubbed herself through the underwear, "...feels. Is it silk?"

"Er... uhmㅡ I uh... I don't know?" The brunette squeaked, she was hypnotized by the way Lisa moved her fingers in strong, slow, tight circlesㅡ undoubtedly right on her clit.

"Well I hope they aren't, because I'm pretty sure I'm ruining them." Lisa smirked as she saw her girlfriend slowly lose it. Her breathing got heavier and her already dark eyes got darker. Her fists were clenched tightly, most likely to keep herself from not grabbing the badass and mounting her.

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