Chapter 2

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[ The crazy and confused ]

"Ugh, I am SO wrecked," Jennie moaned.

"That's what you get for drinking your troubles away," Rosé sing-songed. The red headed nerd was rifling through the other girl's fridge like she lived there and honestly, she may as well have.

Jennie was face down on her island, Aspirin in front of her and clutching a half empty glass of water.

"Can we skip school?" Jennie whined, her voice muffled from the cool marble.

"No Jennie, I WANT to go to a good college. Remember?"

"Oh yeah... the lowly little nerd, how could I forgot?"

"Be quiet you, now tell me where did you hid the bacon!"

Jennie and Rosé had known each other since Rosé moved in the house next to the cheerleader's parents in the summer before middle school. The brunette wasn't quite the bitch she was today and Rosé had eventually wriggled her way into her heart. They'd walk to school together, eat lunch together and would hangout all the time.

When high school came around and Jennie had made the cheerdance while Rosé had joined the brainiacs, the social heirarchy threatened their relationship but somehow they managed to persevere. Sure they didn't sit together at lunch anymore but they were at each other's houses to make up for it.

"I don't have any more damn bacon. You ate it all yesterday remember?"

"But Jennieee!" Rosé whined.

"I'll pick up some later."

"Ugh, fine..." the hot nerd groaned, grabbing a piece of toast. "Maybe we should just skip, I don't know how long I could last without bacon in my system."

"Okay one; that is NASTY Chaeng, and two; I just realized I can't. I have to do damage control with Jungkook."

"I don't understand why you're still with him if you don't even like him."

"Chaeng... I've told you a million times: Reputation." Rosé rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Jen... now c'mon. We're gonna be late."

Jennie groaned loudly as Rosé pulled her out of the house.

Now, Jennie was alone walking the halls of Seoul High. Everyone so scared of her they didn't even dare to look at her much less speak with her. There was only a set amount of people that she talked to besides her family:

Rosé, Jungkook, Hyoyeon and some of the Cheer squad.

Then there were people that was stupid enough to provoke her, namely Lisa Manoban, Byun Baekhyun and...

"Hello, Jennie! I was wondering if you would consider my offer to join our school's very own Glee Club. As you know, we won our sectionals last year and this year we are--"

"LOOK you. For the last time, I don't want to join your gay leprechaun clan. I don't sing, and you don't talk to me." Fucking Yeri Kim always asking her to join the goddamn loser of a club.

"But I--"

"Fuck it, turtle shit. If you're not gone in the next two seconds, I guarantee that you will become a scattered rainbow." Yeri's eyes widened as Jennie glared at her.

"Now get the fuck out of my way."

Yeri hesitated for a second.

"Y'know you have wonderful talent. Maybe if you took the time to explore it instead of fret about social ladder of a dreary Seoul High School, you'd see that." Jennie was stunned. So much so that she gave Yeri a small window of opportunity to scurry off before she could unleash her wrath.

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