Part 10

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Chief Nakiki wasn't hard to find. She stood surrounded by the council of elders that seemed to follow her wherever she went. The fifteen elders always followed Chief Nakiki so that in case of an attack, she was well protected.

Arnold greeted the Chief and her elders with the proper greeting which consisted of small taps on each shoulder and the chest followed by clasped arms. The greeting ended once they touched foreheads and breathed the same air for two breaths.

Chief Nakiki smiled as she stepped away from Arnold and greeted Bridged in the same way. Once done she folded her hands across her stomach and looked back and forth between Bridged and Arnold.

"What brings our two esteemed guests to visit me today?"

"We come with worry on our minds."

The warm smile on Chief Nakiki's face vanished and was replaced with concern. "What worries you?"

Arnold looked at Bridged. Bridged nodded as she reached over and squeezed Arnold's hand before she turned and spoke in a frank voice to Chief Nakiki.

"We are very grateful that your people saved us. We can never repay you, but we wish they hadn't been as forceful as they were. Several of our." Bridged paused as she struggled to come up with a nice word for those they had been with. "Kindred were killed. Our people will not let that go."

The Chief looked shocked. "We could not just stand by and let them kill your husband and besmirch you!"

Bridged let out a sigh as she started fiddling with her hair. "We know and that is why we had to come and share our worries with you. Our people are known for using all force necessary in order to gain control of what they want. Arnold and I have seen it many times back home and our world's history is full of war. It has gotten even worse in the past few years because people are greedy and our planet is busy dying. Our greed is slowly killing our planet."

Chief Narkiki nodded. "This is worrisome. Do you think that your people will retaliate?"

Arnold gave a short bark of laughter startling the elders. "This is the excuse that they needed. We were sent here to see what this planet had to offer and if there was intelligent life. Bridged and I were appointed the task of documenting the life forms that we see. Our job is to ensure the safety of the environment." Arnold looked at Bridged before he spoke again to the Chief. "We have been all over our planet helping to save it. We have come across atrocities that are unconceivable. The things our people have done to the animals and plants of our world are horrendous. We do not want to see your pristine world end up like ours."

Bridged spoke up. "Our people will come and when they do there will be war."

Chief Nakiki nodded looking troubled. "I believe you. Naknaki has told me about you two." Suddenly the Chief smiled. "He is the one who saved you from harm when you slipped on the moss covered tree roots."

Bridged returned the woman's smile. "I would like to see him again and thank him properly."

"I will see to it that he comes and visits you." Chief Nakiki straightened and her hands went to rearrange her long dark hair. "Until then, I have work to do. I must send runners to the other villages. If war is coming then we must join together with the other peoples of this world. I will not see my home destroyed."

Bridged and Arnold nodded before Arnold spoke. "That is why we felt the need to tell you."

Chief Nakiki bestowed a soft smile on the two. "I thank you."

Bridged chewed her fingernail as she watched the Chief and elders hurry away. Arnold let out a sigh and drew Bridged's hand away from her mouth. Bridged smiled sheepishly up at Arnold. Arnold ran the pad of his thumb across Bridged's lower lip.

"Now that our duty is done and our honor intact." Arnold stopped speaking so that he could pull Bridged close to him and kiss her. "How about we go and enjoy a little fun in our humble abode?"

Bridged's knees went weak. She had to clutch at Arnold's strong arms in order to stay standing. "I've been waiting for you to say those words since you woke up."

Arnold smiled as he draped an arm around his wife's shoulders and steered them back in the direction of their hut. "I've been waiting for my body to be strong enough to do more than just walk."

Bridged suddenly pushed Arnold away from her and took off running. "First one to the hut gets to be on top!"

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