Part 42

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The war was over. Bridged and Arnold could hardly believe it. Their winning streak had continued. Retired General Matthew Bearns' command fell after a month long battle. It had been discovered that there was certain water dwelling plants that had an adverse affect on humans. It caused hallucinations and mass panic. That was what had won the war.

Bridged stood on a little hill watching what was left of her kind leaving through the portals that had been opened for the invasion. Once they were through, Jengka and his warriors were going to seal the portals so that none may use them.

Arms snaked around Bridged's waist and she was pulled back against a muscular chest that she knew well. She leaned her head back and accepted the kiss Arnold dropped on her mouth. Her gaze returned to the activity below them.

"Have you decided what you want to do?"

Bridged turned she could look at Arnold face to face. She reached up and framed his face with her hands. Arnold kept a hold of her waist as he blinked down at her from behind his glasses that were going to have to be replaced somehow.

"I want to stay here. I feel so alive here and I can't wait to explore more of this world. Just think of the possibilities this planet holds for us." Bridged leaned forward and pressed a gently kiss against Arnold's mouth. The grin she gave him was the type that women give when they are holding a secret. "I want our child to grow up and live in a world that is safe."

Arnold nodded his head before her words dawned on him. His eyes widened and he pulled back to look down at her flat stomach. His hands moved forward to cover her stomach as his gaze flew back up to settle on her face.

"You're pregnant."

Bridged bit her lip and nodded. Arnold's eyes beamed with joy as he pulled her forward so that he could envelope her in a warm hug. He pressed kisses against her hair. Bridged readjusted her glasses when Arnold pulled back to look at her stomach again.

"How far along are you? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you because I didn't know I was pregnant. I just thought the stress of the war had made me stop bleeding. I only found out when one of the seers pointed it out to me. She could sense the life of our child developing in my womb."

"What are we going to name it?"

Bridged laughed. "I don't know. We could name the child the way the agoathos daimons do."

A frown creased Arnold's forehead. "I don't know how they do that."

"Neither do I, but I'm sure Nakira will gladly tell us."

"Tell you what."

Bridged and Arnold turned at the sound of Nakira's voice. She had just reached the top of the hill with Naknaki and Kiena. Kiena and Nakira were holding hands which was a habit that the natives had started to pick up from Bridged and Arnold.

Nakira looked inquisitively at Bridged and Arnold. "Tell you what."

Bridged smiled joyously at the young woman who had become her friend. "How your people name your children?"

A quizzical look descended on Nakira's face till it cleared as excitement filled her eyes. "Are you with child?"

Bridged nodded. Nakira let out a squeal and threw her arms around Bridged in a hug. Arnold was congratulated by Naknki and Kiena. Nakira held Bridged at arm's length.

"Grandmother will be so thrilled." Nakira looked stricken. "You're not leaving are you."

Bridged laughed. "No. Arnold and I love your world and we want to stay and become a part of it."

Nakira intertwined her arm with Bridged as she began leading her back down the hill. Her mouth was going a mile a minutes as she spoke about what all they needed to do to prepare for the baby. Bridged looked behind her. Arnold followed her with a look of love shining on his face. Bridged gave him a smile before she turned back around.

The future looked bright as Bridged and Arnold walked with their friends down to the village. Neither of them looked back at the portal that was open or the people who were busy filing through it. They were finally home.

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