Part 29

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The cave stretched on endlessly. The light they carried refused to pierce through the light. They could only see a foot in front of them as they walked. Nothing could be heard except for the sounds of the sounds they made as they journeyed deeper into the cave.

They'd only been traveling for two days, but it felt like two years. The silence was maddening and the darkness was enough to drive you insane. If it wasn't for the light that they had, they would be completely and utterly lost.

Nakira had commented about how odd it was not seeing any luminescent plants clinging to the cave walls. Bridged couldn't help but agree. It was odd that they saw nothing but rock. They should have come across moisture or mineral deposits or something, but there was nothing, just endless darkness and grey rock.

"We have to be on the right track," Bridged said as they took a break. "If we aren't then I'm at a loss of what to do."

Arnold grunted as he squatted against the wall. "All we can do is keep going until we can go no further."

Naknaki sighed. "I hope Grandmother is holding out. I would hate to arrive back at the village with bad news."

No one said anything to Naknaki's words. They didn't have the energy too. Without a word Naknaki stood up and picked up one of the lights. He took a deep breath before he ventured deeper into the cave. The others followed doggedly behind him. Hoping that they would soon reach the end of their jouney.

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