Part 17

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Chief Nakiki had been impressed by the weapons that Arnold had drawn of the weapons from Earth. Arnold had gathered all of the warriors and explained the weapons to them and the damage that they could do if they were hit by bullets. Arnold showed them the scars he had from the bullet that had almost killed him.

Bridget had watched Arnold speak to the natives. She was relieved when one of the young boys had spoken of a type of plants that when soaked in water and stretched over a wooden frame would dry and harden. He claimed that it was as hard as stone. Arnold had asked to see what he was talking about.

Arnold had thought that the plant material had some promise, but he wouldn't be comfortable with it until they could test it with a bullet. Naknaki had promised to take some of his friends and steal a weapon for Arnold to test his theory.

Naknaki had followed through on his promise and had brought several weapons back with several weapons. Bridged had inspected the hardened plant each time Arnold shot a bullet at it and was shocked to see that all the bullet did was scratch the hard surface. Arnold had told Chief Nakiki what they had discovered and she ordered shields made for each of the warriors.

Bridged helped the women make the shields and was interested if they could make some sort of light armor for the natives to wear. Arnold had helped her experiment with different shapes and it wasn't long before they had pieces of hardened plant that looked like the type of light armor worn during the medieval ages.

Arnold and Bridged both stared at the armor Naknaki was wearing. He seemed unsure of it. Arnold had his arms crossed as he frowned at the armor. Bridged nervously chewed on her lip.

"Do you think it'll work?"

"I'm not sure, but we need to test it."

Naknaki looked up at Arnold from where he had been studying his arm. "I am fine with you shooting those small hard arrows at me."

Arnold nodded. "I will aim carefully."

"Be careful Arnold."

Arnold flashed Bridged a smile. "I'm always careful."

Bridged rolled her eyes at Arnold. Arnold walked over and picked up a pistol and aimed carefully at Naknaki's thigh. He pulled the trigger. Naknaki flinched and stepped back. Arnold moved forward to see what damage had been done. Bridged floated closer just as curious. She couldn't even tell where the bullet had hit Naknaki. Arnold seemed excited and went back and shot Naknaki with each of the weapons they had left. Naknaki was left without a scratch.

"Amazing," Bridged said as she ran her fingers over Naknaki's shoulder where the last bullet had hit. "This will definitely help keep you all safe."

Arnold rapped his knuckles against Naknaki's new armor. "This stuff might be even better than body armor."

Bridged looked up at Naknaki. "How soon before the others can be told of this?"

Naknaki shrugged. "Aunt Nakiki's runners are fast. I'd say in less than a week."

Bridged nodded before she touched Arnold on the shoulder. "I'll go and let Chief Nakiki know of our success."

Arnold nodded distracted. Bridged headed off in search of Chief Nakiki with a shake of her head. Nakira followed her almost jumping in excitement. Bridged laughed at the young women's excitement. Nakira smiled back at her.

"We have a chance now of winning don't we?"

Bridged slipped her arm through Nakira's. "Yes we do."

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