Part 16

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The map that Chief Nakiki had made for Arnold and Bridged was just as detailed as the ones from Earth. Bridged was fascinated with the map. She penciled in her own notes because the writing of the agoathos daimon's was still hard to grasp. It completely eluded being learned by Bridged and Arnold. Bridged had commented once to Arnold that this must have been what hieroglyphics had looked like before people understood how to read them.

Arnold was bent over the map studying the topography. The map was done on some sort of paper, but the natives were able to make it almost three dimensional through some type of arcane magic that they possessed. Arnold had gotten excited at the prospect of magic, but it appeared to only be used the mundane tasks of living. The natives had never had to use their inherent magic for anything else which was too bad. They could sure use some magic to help repel the invaders as Arnold and Bridged's people were being called.

Bridged stood back talking to one of the map makers. She was listening to the man talk, but her eyes were focused on Arnold's butt. Bridged didn't even realize when the map maker had left or when Chief Nakiki had stepped up. Bridged's attention were entirely focused on how tight Arnold's ass was.

"He does have a fine ass doesn't he?"

Bridged jumped and then blushed when she saw who it was. "It looks even better without clothes on."

A girlish giggle escaped Chief Nakiki making her sound years younger than she really was. "That is one of the reasons why I enjoy the way our people dress. It allows the opposite sex to check out potential mates and the gifts that they would bring to a union."

Bridged shifted slightly and crossed her arms. "Back home only uncivilized people wear clothes like you do. We call them indigenous peoples. Once those of my skin color." Bridged paused to motion to her white skin. "Invaded lands inhabited by indigenous peoples, they forced their thoughts, religion, and dress on them. My world has some dark parts of history and most it is has happened within a relatively short time period considered to how old our planet truly is."

"Will they do this to us if we are defeated?"

Bridged didn't answer. She didn't have the heart to tell the elderly chief what would happen to her people if they were trounced.

"I see." Chief Nakiki mused as she studied Arnold and the men around him who were busy answering questions. "Your silence is all the answer I need."

"Have any new reports come in?"

"Runners are coming and going all the time. It seems for now that your kind are just busy making reinforcements."

"They won't stay there forever."

A sigh escaped Chief Nakiki. "My people are not fighters. We rarely fight with each other. If we do it is by shunning or refusing to speak to a certain person for a certain amount of time." Chief Nakiki turned to look at Bridged. "Have you thought of a fighting style from your world that we could use?"

"My world has been populated by elite fighters throughout history, but they all had experience with war. The only good weapons I see amongst your people are the hooks you use to travel through the trees. Between Arnold and I, I am sure that we can come up with some way for you to fight with them, but what good are they against our weapons. You would be injured or killed by our advance weapons before you could even get within striking distance."

Chief Nakiki was quiet as she if she was lost in thought. "Have you seen the way we hunt?"

Bridged shook her head. "No, but Arnold has gotten curious enough to ask."

"I will have some Naknaki gather some of his friends and show you how we hunt. Maybe that will help you and your man figure out a fighting style for us."

"It's worth a shot. We are running out of time. My people will not stay hidden behind their walls for long."

"I have seen the sketches that you have drawn of this world. Can you draw pictures of your weapons and explain them to the council of elders and I? I want to know exactly what we face."

"Sure. I have seen my fair share of the weapons of Earth. It also helps that Arnold is passionate about studying them and trying to lessen their impact on the environment."

"I will see if Naknaki will take you out sometime within the next few days. I expect to see your drawings within the next few days."

"I will have them to you in two days."

Chief Naknaki touched Bridged lightly on the arm before she did the hand motions of greetings which were also done when words of great sincerity were spoken. "I am glad that you have come to us."

Bridged repeated the gesture in thanks. "I am glad that we were able to come. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Chief Naknaki spotted her grandson. Bridged watched her head off after Naknaki before she returned her attention to Arnold's butt. She really needed to get Arnold in one of the loincloths that the agoathos daimon's favored. Bridged knew that Arnold's ass would look very fine in it. Bridged cast one last look at Arnold's ass before she went off in search of one of the many weavers who were in charge of making clothes. Arnold was going to be surprised when Bridged presented him with his new clothes. He was going to be absolutely shocked when he would see Bridged wearing the clothes that the women war. Bridged couldn't wait. She hoped it wouldn't take long to get them some new clothers.

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