Part 12

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Arnold and Bridged were woken up the next day by Naknaki. Bridged grumbled and burrowed down into the blankets that covered her and Arnold. Arnold got up to see what Naknaki wanted. Bridged listened to them speaking. She poked her head out of the blanket when Arnold stepped back into their hut.

"Are we needed?"

Arnold nodded as he began getting dressed. "We have been summoned by the Chief and her council of elders. Naknaki said that the Chief, who is somehow related to him by the way, wants us present when the runners report their findings."

Bridged pushed back the blankets and accepted Arnold's hand up. Arnold handed Bridged her clothes. Bridged gave Arnold a smile. As she dressed Bridged saw how raggedy their clothes were getting.

"I think that we need to ask Chief Nakiki for some clothes."

Arnold looked down at his clothes. "You're right. We are both on our second set of clothes." A sudden spark light Arnold's eyes up behind his glasses. "I think you'll look very sexy in the dress that the women wear."

Bridged pushed her glasses up and returned Arnold's hot look. "I have been dreaming about you wearing a loincloth since I saw Naknaki in his."

Arnold laughed as he pulled the blanket back that served as their door. Naknaki stood not far away conversing with a young woman who bore a slight resemblance to him. As soon as Bridged and Arnold stepped outside, Naknaki greeted them.

"This is my sister Nakira. She is in training to become the next Chief once our Grandmother decides to pass on her leadership."

Nakira smiled serenely at Arnold and Bridged. "I hope that isn't anytime soon. I fear I am not ready to lead our people in war."

Bridged nodded in sympathy. "I wouldn't want to be in your place if that happens. I'm sure that the council of elders would gladly help you learn."

Nakira laughed softly. "I will choose my own council of elders when I become Chief. Once a Chief passes on their power, their council follows them. If a Chief dies before they pass on their power, then their council of elders will follow them into the afterlife."

Arnold nodded as they began walking through the village. "That is a practice that is no longer carried out in our world. It used to be though, but it was thousands of years before Bridged and I were born."

Bridged was curious and couldn't help but ask a question that she had been turning over since she had met Chief Nakiki. "How do you go about choosing a council of elders?"

Naknaki spoke up before his sister could. "The council of elders are chosen from either your family or friends. A special bond is formed between a Chief and those who serve as their elders long before a person is chosen to serve our village. It is a special honor to be chosen as an elder to the Chief."

"It's a hard decision and some are angry and bitter that they are not chosen. Diplomacy must be used in order to soothe ruffled feathers and make sure that peace is kept."

"I do not envy you the choice then."

Nakira giggled at Bridged's words. "That is why I am already thinking of who can serve as my council of elders. Grandmother is helping me as the previous Chief helped her."

Arnold scrubbed at his beard. "Is the Chiefdom passed through your family or can it be anyone who is chosen to serve as Chief?"

Naknaki hesitated as if he was trying to figure out the right words to say. "Sometimes it is passed through several members of a familial unit and other times a Chief is chosen from the village. Once a child reaches the age that they become a man or woman, they are brought before the Chief. There are certain aspects that the Chief looks for in each individual. They will look for those aspects. They will keep searching until they find them."

Just as Naknaki finished talking they arrived at the meeting grove where the Chief and her council of elders waited. The look on their faces made Bridged's heart sink. Arnold reached over and twined their hands together. Bridged gave her husband a weak smile. Arnold kissed her hand before they stepped forward to meet the Chief.

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