Part 15

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Chief Nakiki implemented Bridged and Arnold's plan the very next day. Within a remarkably short time, the village was on the move. Bridged and Arnold helped carry as much as they could in addition to their meager belongings. Both were now down to one set of clothes that really should be thrown away.

They spent days traveling thorugh the forest. Every few days, they would meet up with another village and join with them. Soon there were hundreds of people traveling through the forest. Runners were coming and going all of the time bearing news of the move. At long last, after more than a month traveling, Chief Nakiki's village settled in a river basin next to a vast body of water.

"I wonder what's on the other side." Bridged shaded her eyes with her hand as she tried to see across to the other side. "Do you have any idea Nakira?"

Nakira shook her head. "I have never been to the other side. The bravest of our people take out canoes and fish far from shore. They bring back huge beasts which can feed the village for days."

Arnold grunted from where he stood behind Bridged. "We could use this to our advantage if we are attacked."

Bridged turned and smiled up at Arnold. They had arrived the night before and slept beneath the stars. The next few days would be spent setting up more permanent dwellings. Bridged was amazed at the amount of people that swarmed about them. It was ordered chaos. The staggering amount of natives was awe inspiring. They had no idea that this world held this much life.

"I wonder if the other villages have reached their destinations." Bridged mused as she studied the dark water. "I hope they can acclimate to life in a town."

Nakira giggled. "You should see the celebrations we hold every three turns. Thrice this number of people would gather together to celebrate deaths, births, and relationships."

"How much is a turn?"

Nakira frowned at Arnold before she pointed up at the sky. "A turn is the amount of time it takes for our suns to make a full rotation."

"You have more than one sun?"

"We are a third of the way through a turn. Each turn is denoted by a sun. Three suns appear every turn. Do you not have three suns on your world?"

Bridged shook her head. "We only have one and it takes 365 days for us to go through a turn, but we call it a year."

"Your world sounds strange."

Laughter bubbled up out of Bridged. "Your world is just as strange to us."

Nakira pointed south of where they stood. "You see those hills over there? Another group of villages will be camped a day's journey by trees. They are close enough to help us, but far enough away to escape if we are destroyed."

Arnold nodded. "We need to put some sort of map together that has the location of each group of villages."

"I can let Grandmother know." Nakira offered. "There are several people in our group who are good at map making."

"Please," Bridged said at Nakira's offer. "It would help us if we could know where the villages are grouped and the lay of the land between each grouping of villages."

Nakira sprinted off towards the heart of the new town. Bridged shook her head. "That girl has more energy than is normal."

Arnold chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Bridged's waist and kissed the side of her neck. "Just think of how rambunctious our children will be when we have them."

Bridged turned in Arnold's arms and draped her arms around his neck. "We've been trying for a child for ten years Arnold. I do not think we can have one."

Arnold shushed Bridged with a gentle kiss on the mouth. "This world is filled with possibility. We can keep trying and if we can't have children, then there are plenty of children who need parents. We can always adopt."

Bridged smiled up at Arnold as she leaned against him. "I love you Arnold."

"And I you Bridged. Never forget that."

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