Part 38

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"That's brilliant Bridged."

Bridged grinned like the Chesire cat on Alice in Wonderland. "It is isn't it?"

Bridged pointed at the mosses and plants that Nakira had gathered for her. "You can thank Nakira for giving me the idea Arnold."

Arnold turned and promptly thanked Nakira, who blushed and stammered that it was all Bridged's idea.

Chief Nakiki frowned down at the plants. "How are glowing plants going to help us?"

Arnold pushed his glasses farther up his nose. "We've told you a little about the belief systems on our planet. All we're going to do is make our kin believe that they have finally found Hell."

"I am still unable to understand how your people can believe in a place of fire and punishment and that you can be sent there for your bad behavior."

Arnold shrugged. "Not all people believe in that, but a lot do. It might be enough to rattle their nerves. A little help from Jengka and his warriors and we're all set."

Jengka grunted as he studied the plants with folded arms. "What would you have us do?"

Bridged grinned. "I am sure that your warriors can handle projecting screams of anguish and the unholy howling of some crazed animal."

A wicked light gleamed in Jenga's eyes as he laughed. "My warriors and I know just the thing. We once won a battle by terrifying our enemies. Stories are still told of the night that the air came alive with disembodied howls of creatures that were unseen."

Nakira shivered. "That story always scared me. Momma used to make sure to tell Naknaki and I that story before bed so that we wouldn't sneak off at night."

"I will leave the finer details to you and Arnold." Chief Nakiki straightened her weary shoulders. "I must go lie down. This war is draining."

"I'll help you Grandmother." Nakira jumped up and slid an arm around Chief Nakiki's waist.

Chief Nakiki patted her affectionately on the cheek. "You are good to me child."

"That's because I love you."

"And I love you too."

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