Part 31

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Bridged's accidental fall turned out to be the fastest way to their destination. They traveled less than a day before the cave tunnel opened up into a giant cavern filled with gems and jewels that gave the cave a soft ambient glow. In the center of the cavern was some sort of small grotto. Bridged had never seen a cave within a cave.

"I think we've reached our destination." Bridged said as she let her pack drop to the cavern floor.

"What now?"

Bridged dug her notebook out of her pack and flipped it open to the pages that were filled with tales of these warriors that they were searching for. Her finger traced down the page till she reached the part she wanted.

"It says here that a sacrifice is needed." Bridged looked up at as she closed her notebook and slipped it back into her pack. "That is what we need to do know Nakira."

Naknaki's gaze was busy studying the grotto. "I do not trust what is in that small cavern. I propose laying out our sacrifice at the opening and seeing if that works."

Each agoathos daimon pulled their contribution to the sacrifice out. Items ranged from a food item to liquor to weapons and even homemade jewelry. Bridged's sacrifice was the pages of her journal that she had drawn sketches of tings from Earth. Arnold had asked for Bridged for her wedding ring. He tied it to his ring with a strip of colorful cloth from their world.

One by one, each person walked forward and laid their sacrifice down in front of the cave opening. Twenty paces away from the grotto everyone settled cross legged on the ground.

Nakira started to hum. Slowly the others joined in humming and drumming a rhythm on the cave floor. Bridged and Arnold joined in once they were confident with the beat. The cave they were in echoed their humming and drumming back at them intensifying it. The glowing gems on the walls intensified in their brightness.

A flicker of movement was seen inside the grotto. Nakira began singing a welcoming song. Her beautiful soprano was offset by the tenor of those around her.

Slowly a figure stepped into sight. Bridged held back her gasp. The figure that stepped into view was a man who resembled the men in their group, but he was taller, stronger, and prouder than they were. His yellow eyed gaze swept over them before he turned his attention to the offerings laid out before him as a sacrifice.

A woman stepped up next to him and she carried all of the beauty and grace of the female agoathos daimon's. She knelt and picked up a piece of jewelry. She turned the jewelry over in her slim fingers and her lips moved as if she was speaking to her companion. Her gaze flickered to Bridged and Arnold.

The singing and beating of hands died away as the woman lifted her hand in a motion that said stop. Her voice was sultry and husky as if she had spent many days shouting at the top of her lungs during a battle.

"We thank you for the gifts that you have given to us and we accept the sacrifice you have done for us."

The group of nine looked at each other in confusion. Nakira finally found her voice and spoke for them all. "We do not understand. We have to offer you a sacrifice."

The woman smiled at Nakira. "The journey here was the sacrifice. You have sacrificed your time, energy, and comfort to come to us. Your need must be great for you to take on the task of finding us. Many have set out on the journey, but few have made it as far as the nine of you have. You are the first to have reached our resting place."

The man with the woman spoke and his voice was so deep that it seemed to resonate within Bridged's chest like heavy bass at a concert. "Come and join us. Eat and rest. On the morrow you will tell us why you came to us."

Arnold gained his feet first and pulled Bridged up next to him. The others stood up and moved in a line of importance towards the grotto. Bridged and Arnold brought up the rear of the line. The woman led them into the grotto while the man fell into step behind Arnold.

A wonderful sight met the group of nine as they set foot inside the grotto. A valley stretched out below them filled with greenery and tall trees. The woman led the group down a path that wound its way through a meadow of wildflowers in shades of blue and purple. A few feet within the forest they came upon a small village set up that was full of ancient warriors.

The woman gave a graceful wave of her hand at the village in front of them. "Welcome to our village. Come, eat and be merry. Enjoy tonight. You all deserve to take pleasure in yourselves tonight for all of the hard work and sacrifice you have given to reach us."

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