➵ 06 | R I V E N D E L L

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I DIDN'T BELIEVE it. "Daylor? Faelar?" My voice was barely a whisper.

The two boys sprang of their horses and hugged me tight.

"Keira —" Daylor began.

"— it's really you," Fraelar continued. Before I knew it, there were tears streaming down my face.

"Buy you died," I whispered. They let me go and Daylor brushed my tears away.

"Lord Elrond found us just in time. We were trying to find you, but when we found your necklace, we thought you were dead." I smiled. "It doesn't matter, you are here now." Faelar hugged us tight. "Team Strongbow is back together!" I laughed.

I had missed my brothers.

3rd person POV

Two men ran to Keira and embraced her.

"Who are they?" Thorin asked to no one in particular.

"They are her long lost brothers." A voice behind him said. Thorin turned and looked at lord Elrond.

"They were dead, she said." Elrond looked at the triplets.

"They almost were." Thorin turned back to Keira and saw her smiling. She was happy. And in some kind of way, that made him happy too.

Keira POV

Daylor gave me my necklace back. Daylor, Faelar and my name were on it. On the other side stood Strongbow. "We have also a letter for you," Faelar said. I raised my eyebrow but accepted it anyway. I opened it and started reading.

My dear Keira,

I'm sorry I wasn't there, I truly am, but duty was calling. I'm proud of you, you know that right? You're a beautiful person who thinks about others. Just promise me you'll be careful, I would like to introduce you to Aragorn when all of this is over.

If you read this letter, you'd probably know that your brothers are still alive and well in Rivendell. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier but I didn't know.

You better hope you return alive and well. I can't lose a daughter too.

With love,


I looked up, thinking about his words. Daylor was the one who interrupted my thoughts.

"So, who is it?" I raised my eyebrow, not really knowing who he meant. He sighed.

"The one who wrote you." I smiled and looked back at the letter. "Arathorn." Faelar smiled too. "Has our little sis a boyfriend?" I laughed, if only they knew.

"What?" Daylor said. I whiped my tears away.

"Arathorn is like a father to me, he saved me from those orcs a few years ago." The two boys looked at each other and then back to me.

"Well," Faelar began. "That explains a lot," Daylor continued.

I smiled and put my arms around them. "I really missed you guys." They embraced me. "We missed you too little sis."

I pulled back. "Who do you call little?" They grinned and ran away. I rolled my eyes and ran after them.

"Wait till I get you!" I yelled after them.

They just laughed.


After running around for a good ten minutes, I bumped into Thorin.

"I'm sorry," I said, while getting up.

"It's alright," he replied.

I smiled at him. "Have you seen my brothers?"

He smiled at me. "Yeah, they just passed me. They ran into that direction." He points at the garden.

I smiled at him and bowed. "Thank you, my king." He raised his eyebrow but before he could reply, I was already off. Letting him smile by himself.

I had missed dinner because of those idiots. I walked to the dwarves and sat beside Kili. "Is there some food?"

He laughed. "You aren't that big of a fan of elven food, are you?"

I shrugged. "It's mainly because I missed dinner."

He gave my a plate and I smiled thankful at him. "Thanks buddy."

"You're welcome."

While I was eating, I noticed that Balin, Thorin and Bilbo weren't here.

"Where are the others?" I asked to no one in particular.

"They had to do something with a map," Bofur replied.

I put my plate away and stood up.

"I'm going for a walk."

I walked away and looked at the beautiful garden. I bumped into Thorin on the way. He was eavesdropping at something Lord Elrond and Gandalf were saying. "What are-" Thorin pulled me behind him and put his finger on his lips. I nodded and he looked back at the wizard and the elf.

"What if he falls in the same sickness his grandfather had?" Lord Elrond said.

Are they talking about the dragon sickness?

I looked at Thorin and saw him frowning. It certainly bothered him.

He took my hand and dragged me with him.

"Everything alright Thorin?" I asked carefully.

"What if the elf is right?" He whispered, I had to lean forward to catch it.

I took his hands in mine. "Listen carefully Thorin Oakenshield," I began. "You will face the same evil, but you will defeat it." He looked up at me. "Do you believe that?" I smiled down at him. "I know so."

He smiled a little. "Thanks Keira, I really appreciate it."


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