➵ 18 | M A R R I A G E

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"What?" I sputtered, not really believing I heard him right.

His face saddened. "Over two hundred years, I have waited for you. I love you. Balin said that to make you fall in love, I had to make you laugh but every time you're laughing, I'm the one who falls in love. So please do me the honor of marrying you."

I looked in his eyes. "I'm not saying no, I just want to know that you'd still ask me even if we weren't walking towards our possible deaths."

He stepped closer and cupped my face. "Of course I would."

I smiled at him. "Then, Thorin Oakenshield, I'd love to be your wife."

After I agreed with the whole wedding plan, Daylor and Faelar ran outside, grabbed me and put me in a room, trying to fix my dress and my hair. They didn't really did that much, they were boys for a reason, but I managed to looked somewhat good. I breathed deep in and out, trying to control my nerves. I had not see this coming.

"Relax, sis, everything will be alright." Daylor comforted me.

"Yeah," Faelar continued, "he has seen you in a state even worse. I gulped. "Thanks." Daylor gave Faelar a sharp look. "I think it's wise to shut your mouth for the time being."

My thoughts went from my parents to Carden. "Oh no," I began, "Carden will murder me for not being here!" Daylor and Faelar shared a look. "Can't you contact him or something? It's not like they don't know we're here."

I nodded and concentrated on the 'connection' we supposedly should have.

"Carden?" I began, looking for my yellow feathered soulmate. "Are you there?"

"Keira?" The reply came quickly, almost concerned. "Everything alright? Do I need to pick you up?"

"No, everything is fine, more even, Thorin had asked me to marry him," I began.

"What?! When?!"

"Just a couple of minutes ago, he's asking Balin to wed us now before we leave to Erebor." Apparently, Balin was allowed to marry us.

"When does it start?"

"In ten minutes I guess."

"Holy... okay I'm coming, this better be good!"

I sighed when the boys gave me a single red rose. Daylor looked apologetic. "I'm sorry, that's the only thing I could find within the time we have." I smiled at him and took his hand. "Thank you, it's beautiful."

I looked up at the both of them. "Do you want to walk me to the aisle?"

Their eyes sparkled. "Of course we will!"

They each took an arm and guided me to the aisle. I saw through the door opening that the Company were taking chairs and putting them on rows.

How many people do they think will attend?

"Don't worry, Keira," Faelar said, following my gaze, "it's only the Company and Bard and his family I guess."

I swallowed and saw Carden landing on a balcony, making his way towards us.

"You alright, Keira? You seem kinda nervous."

I gave him a look that said 'you kidding me?' but greeted him anyway.

"I see you aren't."

I saw that the Company had taken their seats and Dwalin had taken his place next to Thorin who was trying to look nice. I smiled because he already looked handsome.

Carden pushed the doors open and Daylor and Faelar pulled me with them.

3rd person POV
Keira entered the room with Carden and her brothers. Thorin looked up and couldn't keep his eyes of his wife-to-be. She looked so beautiful. Her dress showed her well muscles body and her hair was nicely done. She was flanked by both her brothers and carried one single red rose.

Dwalin grumbled happily seeing the look on his best friends face. He was happy that Thorin had finally found his 'One'."

Fili and Kili sat on the first row, smiling from ear to ear. They both loved the red haired woman and were happy she officially joined the family. "I think mom will like her," Kili whispered to Fili who grinned. "I know mom will like her."

Some of the Company thought back to their own weddings and some of them needed a handkerchief.

Daylor gave, as he was the eldest of the three, Keira's hand to Thorin. "Keep her safe," He murmured. "Always," Thorin replied quietly.

Keira POV
As soon as Daylor gave me away, I smiled nervously at Thorin and he squeezed my hand. It's only me, he seemed to say. We turned to Balin, who started the wedding.

We each took our vows and the end of the wedding neared. "Thorin, do you take Keira Strongbow as your legal wife?"

Thorin looked at me and smiled. "I do."

Balin turned to me. "Keira, do you take Thorin Durin Oakenshield as your legal husband?"

I smiled at Thorin. "I do."

Balin looked at Ori. "You may bring the rings."

Wait what? Rings? I looked at Ori who carried a pillow with two rings on it. One had the sign of Durin and one had the sign of... Strongbow? Didn't only Daylor, Faelar and I have such a ring? I looked questioningly at my brothers who just grinned back.

Thorin, who seemed to know their plan, took the Durin ring and put it on my ring finger. I followed his lead and took the Strongbow ring and put it on his.

Balin smiled, happy about all of this. "Then I, Balin son of Fundin, declare you as husband and wife! You may kiss your bride."

Thorin leaned in and kissed me softly. Cheers were heard from the Company and Thorin smiled against my lips.

I leaned my forehead against his and smiled. Out gaze was interrupted by Kili and Fili who picked me up and hugged me. "Welcome to the family, aunty!" I smiled and put my arms around them and embraced them tight.

We partied a lot that night. And after that... well, let's just say it became a night to remember.

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