➵ 22 | T H I S I S N' T Y O U

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Thorin became the last days very protective over me. First I thought it was cute but now.... now I think it's creepy.

Despite Thorin saying I don't have to help carrying rocks towards the entrance, I still did. It helped me not to think about the sickness that consumed Thorin. I saw that the Company tried to carry all the heavy rocks and left the lighter rocks for me. I sighed, I may be with child but my belly wasn't big or something, I'm perfectly capable of carrying rocks, though I appreciate the thought.

"Come on!" Thorin ordered, climbing up the platform. Everyone laid their tools down, took their weapons and followed their leader to the platform. I followed as last and saw an army of elves standing in front of the mountain. Bard rode up the path on a horse and stopped in front of the gate.

"Hail Thorin, son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." He exclaimed.

"Why do you come to the gates of the King Under The Mountain armed for war?" Thorin replied, looking at the Elvish army.

"Why does the King Under The Mountain dance himself in? Like a robber in his hole," Bard argued back.

"Perhaps it is because I am expect to be robbed."

"My lord," Bard started, "we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?"

Thorin nodded curtly and descended the stairs. Bard dismounted and walked towards the gate.

I glanced at the Elvish army and saw Thranduil sitting on his elk. He met my eyes and we looked at each other for a while. If I didn't knew better I would think he was worried. I quickly looked back at Thorin and an angry looking Bard who just stormed off. I descended and stopped before Thorin.

"You rejected them, didn't you?!" I spat angrily.

He looked at me calmly. "Yes I did."

"They have nothing!" I shouted, "all their belongings were destroyed by the dragon you woke up, the least you could do was give them a roof above their heads!"

He punched me in the face and I took a couple of steps back, not quite believing what he just did. I touched my nose and noticed it was bleeding.

"You don't get to speak like that to your king!" He replied.

"You are not my king!" I argued back. "You are my husband!"

The Company had also descended and I saw them exchanging worried glanced. Both Daylor and Faelar had their hands on their swords. I gestured not to do anything and looked back at Thorin who was about to reply.

"Whether I am your husband or king, you have to listen to me ether way."

I was angry, no, furious. "There are children out there! Innocent children! Are you just gonna let them starve and freeze to death?"

He was going to punch me again but this time I was ready and so were Fili and Kili. I dodged his fist and Fili and Kili took his arms to stop him. Daylor and Faelar rushed to me and Faelar gave me a handkerchief. I nodded in thanks, held it against my nose and turned around, not wanting to see my husband any longer.

I walked away. I closed my eyes, trying not to let the tears fall and when I looked up, I didn't recognized any of the halls. I screamed in frustration and fell on my knees. I leaned against the wall and quietly sobbed.

This isn't him.

This isn't you.

I looked at the wall in front of me and tried to think of a plan to bring Thorin back.

There has to be a way.

Maybe if I tell him about our child?

No. I shook my head, not wanting to endanger the little baby.

It was Dwalin who found me hours later.

He sat next to me and didn't say anything, which I was grateful for.

We both enjoyed the silence that hung in the air.

"Lass?" Dwalin began and I looked up at him. He put his hand on my shoulder but pulled back quickly. "In Durin's name, you're freezing!"

Due to all the thinking, I didn't noticed that the temperature had dropped.

"Come on," He began, holding out his hand to pull me up, "let's get you warm."

I murmured a quick thank you and took his hand. We walked back and he leaded me to another room instead of Thorin's.

"I guess you needed some space, this room isn't been used in years. Thorin won't look for you here."

I smiled sadly and thanked him with a nod.

He nodded and walked away. I shook my head, smiling. He wasn't a dwarf of many words.

I opened the door and was happy to see that the room had a balcony. What I noticed next were the pictures that hung on the walls.

I took a closer look and recognized a younger Thorin together with a little girl and boy. I narrowed my eyes, trying to find out why the little girl and boy looked familiar.

I took the picture and looked at the back.

Thorin, Dis and Frerin.

My eyes widened when I realized that the boy and the girl must be Thorin's brother and sister. When I took a closer look at Dis, I saw in fact some things of Kili and Fili in her.

I smiled and put the picture back.

I looked around and knew Dwalin had led me to Dis' old room.

I took my shoes off and laid down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

I closed my eyes and let my mind wander off. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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