➵ 10 | S A V I O R

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They had buried me alive.

I tried not to panic but that was difficult. I held my breath and tried to dig myself out. A couple seconds later I could feel fresh air brushing against my hand. I tried to grab something so that I could pull me out. I couldn't feel anything.


I thought I would die again, ironic isn't it, when someone or something pulled me out.

I broke through the surface just when I thought I was out of breath. I breathed heavenly and looked around. The Company had left but there was something else standing a couple feet beside me. From the stories I'd read this must be a hippogriff.

"Are you alright?" The hippogriff asked.

He can talk, I thought, why am I not surprised?

I nodded, not ready to use my voice yet.

He walked over to my backpack, that the Company had left, and opened it. He pulled out my bottle with water and gave it to me.


I took it and opened it. I let the water float through my throat, enjoying the moment.

"Who are you?" I asked, my throat still soar.

"I'm Carden," he replied.

I looked at him and smiled slightly. "I'm Keira, thank you for saving my life."

He shrugged. "I couldn't just let you die, could I? By the way you friends aren't that far away from here."

I looked up. "You know where they are?"

He nodded. "They were running from an orc pack, nasty creatures they are. I can take you if you'd like, it's not that I have to do something anyway."

I was concerned, an orc pack isn't good. I smiled lightly at Carden. "That would be great, thank you."

I packed my weapons and backpack and climbed on Carden. When I touched him, I felt a power floating through me. My wrist itched and I looked at it. A certain name started appearing on it.


"What in Durin's name is that?" I looked back at Carden and saw my name appearing on his paw.

He froze. "It's a soulmate thing," he replied casually, although I could see he was shocked.

I raised my eyebrow. "A what thing?"

"A soulmate thing, every hippogriff has a soulmate. They stay together during their whole life, if one dies, the other dies with him."

"So let me get this straight. We are soulmates?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes, now hop on, you friends need help."

I climbed on him, careful not to pull any feathers out.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I replied.

He took off in the air and I held onto his neck tight. I didn't wanted to fall and die. I had already died enough today. Perhaps tomorrow.

I narrowed my eyes and widened them immediately in realization. "They are trapped!" I yelled, trying to get over the wind. "We have to help them!"

"Don't worry," Carden replied, "help is on their way." He looked up and I followed his gaze. Giant eagles were flying down, picking the Company up. I could vaguely see Thorin lying unmovable. Please don't let him be dead.

The eagles put the Company down on a high rock. Carden landed and I jumped off. I stayed with him, not really knowing how they will react seeing someone they buried. Gandalf jumped off his eagle and ran towards Thorin, he muttered a few words and Thorin's eyes fluttered open. I sighed relieved. He wasn't dead after all.

"Keira?!" Two voices behind me half yelled.

I turned around and saw Daylor and Faelar standing there with red eyes like they had been crying.

Of course they had, I thought, you died.

"You're... you're alive?" I nodded and they pulled me in a hug.


I pulled back. "It's a long story."

They looked at Thorin's braid and I blushed, looking down.

"Do you want to see him?" Faelar said. I nodded and they made their way towards the front of the Company. Everyone looked at me with great awe.

"Thorin," Daylor began, "There is someone who would like to see you."

Thorin grunted and I stepped up.

I smiled at his shocked face and heard a couple dwarves faint.

"Did you miss me?"

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