➵ 25 | T H I S I S H O W I T E N D S

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I woke up on one of the streets of Dale, Carden towered above me. "Keira! You alright?"

I nodded and stood up, reaching for my sword. "Yeah, totally fine. Where is Thorin?"

Carden looked down and didn't said anything.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at him.

"They are walking into a trap," another voice replied. I turned around and saw Bard standing, leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.

My face paled. "Where?"


I ran through the streets slashing through orcs. "This is madness, Keira!" Carden said, flying above me. "You're just gonna cross the whole battlefield and hope to survive it?"

"I don't hope it, Carden, I know I'll survive it because I will see Thorin again."

I could practically see Carden rolling his eyes but I ignored it.

Fifty dead orcs and black orc blood hanging all over me later, I ran up the hill, trying to find them.

I stopped abruptly when I saw the body of a blond dwarf laying in front of me.


I fell down beside him. "Fili?" His eyes opened. "Keira?" "Oh Durin," I whispered putting him on my lap, trying to stop the bleeding with my hands.

"It won't work," he whispered, "I'm dying."

I shook my head, tears were running from my face. "No, please, don't."

He smiled up at me. "I'm happy to spend my last minutes with someone I love."

I hugged him tight and buried my head into his chest. "I love you too, Fili. Thank you for taking me into your family."

He put his hand on my back. "This is not the end, Keira."

I looked up at him and pressed my lips against his forehead. "Sure as hell isn't because I'll be looking for you when my time comes."

He smiled and looked up at the sky. "Can you sing?"

I nodded.

When it gets real
Just know that I'll be there
I got your back, like it's just you and me here
I'll go to war for you, let them bring it
I'll take on the world for you, better believe it
So if you need me, just holler my name
We ain't never scared, no we're not afraid
Whenever, whatever, know I'm down for life
I'm your ride or die

I finished and his eyes closed, a smile on his face. I sobbed over his dead body and hugged him tight. I had to go and see if Kili was safe.

With a heavy heart, I carefully laid Fili down and walked away. I heard a scream and my eyes widened. Kili.

I ran towards the edge and saw Kili fighting with Bolg a couple meters below me. I shook my head, walked a few steps back and ran towards the edge.

Just as Bolg wanted to put his sword in Kili, I sprang on his back. Kili has his eyes closed, probably already greeting death, well, not on my watch. I took my dagger but before I could stick it into his neck, he threw me off him.

Kili opened his eyes, wanting to know why he wasn't dead and saw me laying on the ground. His eyes widened. "Keira!"

I met his eyes quickly but focused back on Bolg who was charging at me. I quickly stood up and unsheathed my sword.

I blocked his first and second blow, the third however hit me and it groaned when I fell on the ground. "Don't touch her!" I heard Kili scream. He sprang from behind on Bolg but Bolg pulled him from his back on the ground. He stuck his sword right through Kili and I heard myself scream. Kili looked at me and a tear fell from his eyes.

I stood up, anger filled my mind and ran over to Bolg. He blocked my blows and grinned when he disarmed me. I held my head high and unsheathed my father's dagger. Before I could do something, two familiar elves sprang on Bolg. I send Legolas and Tauriel a quick nod before turning around and running to Kili. He was breathing shortly and I could see he knew he was going to die. I kneeled down and put my hands on his wound.

His hand took mine and he squeezed in it. "Keira?" I didn't look at him. "Keira, please look at me."

I turned my head and looked into his brown eyes. A tear fell from my face. He brushed it away.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered. "I'm gonna take care of you from above."

I sobbed. "You promise?"

He took the stone his mother gave him and gave it to me. "I promise."

I kissed his forehead. "I love you, Kili. You are an amazing friend and nephew."

He smiled. "I love you too Keira, Thorin couldn't wish for a better wife."

I smiled sadly, remembering his brother request. "You want me to sing?"

His eyes lit up and he nodded. "Yes please."

Why don't you close your eyes
And we can leave it all behind
Wake up in paradise
Where the sunset never dies
We'll never say goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Don't ever say goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

He looked up at the stars and his breathing stopped. I screamed and buried my head in his chest. My two best friends had died today.

I close his eyes. Someone laid a hand on my shoulder and I knew it was Tauriel.

"Those who we love never truly leave us."

I nodded and stood up. "I have to find Thorin."

She nodded. "I'll be with you to the end."

I turned around and hugged her. She froze, surprised about my affection but hugged me back.

"Thank you, mellon."

I let her go, picked my sword up and climbed the hill.

When I was on the top, I saw Bilbo sitting with someone who was bleeding heavily. He looked up when I approached and gave us some space. I kneeled down next to Thorin.

His eyes lit up and he took my hand. "I'm happy I could see you one last time, so I can say how truly sorry I am for threatening you like that."

I kissed his hand. "There is nothing to forgive."

He smiled lovingly at me. "Now I can pass in peace."

I shook my head. "No you can't! Please Thorin, I need you! Our child needs you!"

His eyes widened.

"Our child?"

I nodded, looking guilty. "I'm with child."

His eyes sparkled full of joy. "Keira, that's amazing!"

He then looked sadly. "I just don't get to see them growing up."

A tear fell from my face, followed with many more. "Please," I begged the dying man I loved, "don't leave me."

He smiled up at me. "I'll never leave you, I alway be here." His hand rested on my heart and I sobbed.

He looked at me while coughing, blood spat on his chest. "I love you."

I held back a sob. "I love you too."

He looked at me and I saw his eyes becoming dull.

Thorin Oakenshield was dead.

Fili's death: Lighthouse ~ GRL
Kili's death: Monaco ~ MKTO

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