A bed of buttercups...

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         I felt dazed. Where was I? Im not in my smelly bed with the crusty blankets... The ground beneath me felt soft. I looked to the side, slowly opening my eyes to be greeted by yellow. Yellow? These are flowers. I groaned as I slowly sat up.
           "Hello?" I called out to no one in particular. My eyes widened when i saw a purple pillar, just now realizing my predicament. I looked up at the sky to see only a little light coming from a large hole at least fifty feet above me.

              "I fell... I couldn't have fallen i was careful..."  I thought to my self. For a second I just sat there before slightly giggling. "I fell..." I muttered in between giggles.

           I looked around and spotted my plain backpack that had some supplies in it. I might need it if I want to get out of this giant hole.

          I scooted over to it, wincing at the action as it sent a wave if pain up my left arm. Good thing Im right handed. I pulled my bag over to me and unzipped it.

         "Lets see... a bag of cuties, three water bottles, my sketch book and pencils... Nothing useful!" I cry to myself. Why cant i pack anything useful. Well its not like they hand out climbing rope in 6th grade. What are you gonna do?

          I zip the bag back up and stumble to my feet. My legs were a little sore but I can still walk. I can't say my arm was as useful though, i might have twisted my wrist, and dislocated my shoulder. Why didn't i bring bandages!?!

         Well Ill just have to remember for next time then. I slowly made my way over to the pillar and leant against it for support. Well this will be a fun, long walk.

          I looked around the oddly colored pillar to see a short hall. I was confused at first. Why is there a hall in this hole? Then again why is there a pillar in the hole in the first place?

          I slowly continued on. I made it to a small area with a tiny bit of light shining in. It was empty other than a patch of grass, but i thought i saw something zip out of the edge of my field of vision.

          "Hello?" I called out quietly, but to no avail. What was I expecting, a surprise party?

         I kept moving forward into a room made of the same material of the pillar, and there were two sets of stairs going to another door. The shadows the room gave off gave me a contented feeling inside my chest.

         I wasn't sure what it was but it was new to me. One particular thing that stuck out to me was the leaves on the ground. That meant there were plants down here. Which meant that i might find something edible! I might just survive down here!

             But i hesitated for a moment as a wave of nausea hit me. I stumbled forward, and got another wave sent through my arm that made me cry out. I made sure my bag was on my arm as i held on to my other.

          I took one step up and had to pause. I held my breath as my vision momentarily got blurry. Once it was clear I took another step. Then another. Then another. I was making steady progress up the stairs until my leg got caught on some sort of vine. I didn't see it there before, but who knows with me.

            I let out a cry as I fell forward right onto my arm. As the end of a stair poked into my shoulder I let out a choked sob. My vision became blurry again as nausea hit once more. I was crying there for a minute until i heard a soft voice.

          "Oh my, are you alright child? Here let me help you." I slowly lifted my head to see who was talking but my eyes were to clouded to see anything more than a purple blob.

          I let out another sob as the blob rushed over. "Help..." I whimpered before i closed my eyes. The last thing i remember before blacking out was a pair of soft warm hands picking me up.

          The one thing i thought as i was delicately lifted up was, are they covered in fur?


        I woke up in a soft bed, with a fuzzy blanket and quilt wrapped around me. They had a light red color to it and were comfortable. I sat there with my eyes closed for a second as I  relished in the feeling.

          Before i could fall asleep again i sat up and looked across the room. It had no windows but a childs drawing of the sky hanging on the wall. There was a lamp in the corner with a red shade. And a dresser was on the wall near the bed. I looked over at a trunk that had shoes of all sizes sticking out.

          "Okay then..." I lifted my hand to push some of my long messy red hair out of my face to wince in pain. I look at it to see it was in some sort of splint made of something stiff and an ace bandage.

           I slid my feet onto the fuzzy carpet and pushed the blanket aside. I stood to my feet shakily as i pulled the blanket neatly into place. I looked at my clothes which were slightly torn and dirty. I felt bad for getting dirt on the bed.

          I heard the light thumping of footsteps out side the door and sat down on the bed waiting to see if they'd stop at this door.

         I held my breath as they stopped and a light tapping rang from the door."Are you awake, my child, i have brought some Butterscotch cinnamon pie for you.

          My eyes shot open at the announcement of pie. " C-come in m-m-ma'am." I tried to say as the the door slowly opened.

          "Please, call me Toriel, I am the caretaker of the RUINS." she said softly as the door opened all the way as she stepped in. My eyes widened at the sight before me. I had to scoot back on the bed from my shock as i looked up at what appeared to be a.... Goat woman?

          This woman did help me though, so quickly recovering from my shock I sat up and held my good hand out to her.

            "Hi, Im, um, Grayson, but my friends call me Gray. Its very n-nice to meet you Ms. Toriel."

         Short authors note.                

       Hey guys! Hows the first chapter of my first book!?! I know im not that good at writing but I will try to get better! Thank you to those who are reading this. I know not many people will click on an Undertale fanfic by a new writer. Idk on how my update schedule will be cus im writing this around 1:00 and am really tired but ill work this out and get a story going. Seeya later.
-Neko Chan

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