A Cold Feeling

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I took a step forward to steady myself,  trying to process the feeling for g through my shoulder. It hurt but it wouldn't kill me.  Frisk stood there,  seemingly frozen as well. All was silent.

After a moment I could hear Toriel breath in deeply. "What am I doing?" She hurried forward as I turned around slowly to face her. "Let me heal that,  my child." She held out her hand,  green magic swirling around her fingers.

Remembering what happened last time she healed me, I flinched back,  not wanting it to turn out worse than it was. Even though it was a small action,  she still caught it,  and kneeled down slowly.

"... Pitiful, is it not? I can not protect even a single child... Maybe they are right Grayson,  you should go with them.  I can not protect you here." She said as tears collected at her eyes,  as. I began moving forward to stand closer I'm front of her, tears already streaming down my face.

I couldn't speak.  She was telling me to leave.  I was scared she would tell me this when I first got here,  but just when I was finally happy...  I hate humans.

"The ruins are a small place after all," she began,  seeming to convince herself more than me,"you would not be happy here. " she brought me into a hug. "I must ask you,  once you leave, to not come back. " A sob escaped my mouth as I held on tighter to her l,  not planning on letting go.

"M-m-mom I-I-I-," I let myself cry in her embrace, sitting there in her lap as Frisk waited patiently for me to stop crying.  I would have never stopped if it meant I could stay in my mother's arms.

Eventually my sons turned to small hiccups,  as Toriel stood up and left me there on the ground.  I stayed there limply, staring ahead as she walked around me, paused for a moment and went upstairs. 

Frisk came and put a hand on my shoulder, giving me a moment to collect myself. After wiping my face with the palm of my wind breaker,  I stood and glared at them. 

"Are you happy now? You have officially taken everything. I don't want to leave,  but look at her face! Are you happy?!?" with that said I snatched the bag with my clothes in it from them and opened the door. 

Slightly pushed back from the gust of wind, I traveled down another hallway,  rushing so Frisk would have to rush to keep up with me,  no chance for conversation. Things went completely black for not even a second when I was blinded by a white light. 

Giving my eyes a moment to focus,  I realized it was snow.  Snowdin. Mr.  Skeleton told me about it. Maybe I'll see him. After a moment of looking around me,  the door behind me opened,  Frisk walking out. Before they were out of the door I was running,  making sure it would be difficult to catch up.  But they were still fast.

We ran down the snow covered path. I avoided ice puddles where I could trip and jumping over a particularly large log.  After a minute I made it to a bridge,  and what looked like a gate,  but I couldn't be sure.  Pausing for a second to think about was a mistake.  Instantly my wrist was grabbed as Frisk began to lecture me.

"Are you insane? You could have hurt yourself.  We are going HOME , together.  You don't belong down here.  I don't belong down here, so we are going to the surface.  And we can be together again.  Isn't that why your upset? Because we weren't together-!" a crunch in the snow behind us notified us that someone was walking towards us.  While Frisk was silently panicking, I was praying it wasn't one of the royal guard.

Step by step,  the monster got closer until it stopped eight behind Frisk. Being faced towards them,  I could see their feet if I looked down.  Relief fell over me when I saw that the monster had no skin,  or blood, and was wearing pink slippers.

The skeleton let the tension build
for a brief moment before speaking. "H U M A N. " I could see Frisk shaking in fear.
" D O N T   Y O U  K N O W ...
H O W  TO G R E E T  A  N E W
F R I E N D?" at this point frisk had shut their eyes,  not willing to see what, or who,  was behind them. I stood there,  only slightly struggling against Frisks grip,  which was now ever so tighter.

"T U R N  A R O U N D  A N D 
S H A K E M Y  H A N D. "  Very stiffly,  they turned around and held their free hand out to the stranger. The monster took Frisks hand in a tight grip,  and a loud noise was let out.


The noise was enough for me to stop struggling and double over laughing.

" The old woopie cushion in the hand trick.  It's, always funny.  Your friend seems to think so. " he leaned to a little side to get a better view of me,  also allowing me to get a view of him. He was wearing gym shorts and a blue jacket over a ketchup stained white T-shirt. I knew his voice.
Good ol' mister skeleton.

Smiling,  knowing just what to say, I began what would seem to never come to an end.

"Yeah,  I found it real humerus." we both laughed at that,  Frisk standing confused between us, letting up a little on their grip. Taking note of it,  I ignored it for now.

"Wow kid,  you finally found the guts to make a pun on the spot." we both laughed even harder, leaving Frisk even MORE confused. After a moment t of calming down,  the skeleton introduced himself. "The names Sans,  Sans the Skeleton." He shook Frisks hand and released it.

"So you guys are humans? That's hilarious. I'm supposed to be on the watch for humans,  but I don't really care a bio out that.  My BROTHER on the other hand,  he's a human hunting fanatic. " Sans continued.  His brother,  what was his name again...  Paper... Eh.

"Hey look,  I think that's him over there.  Quick! I have an idea! Go through the gate,  yeah,  my brother made the bars to far apart for it to stop anyone. " Frisk didn't move for a second before I let an exasperated, loud,  annoyed sigh,  and simply walked through it,  in turn pulling them through since they were still holding my arm. 

Sans followed us through and pushed us lightly towards what looked like a big lemonade stand,  and a large lamp. "Quick,  behind that conveniently shaped lamp,  and you can go behind my post!" we ran over to where he told us to,  and when frisk squatted down,  she had the same outline as the lamp,  quickly yanking my hand out of Frisks grip,  I ran over to the post and sat behind it.

No sooner than I had barely gotten out of sight,  another skeleton came bounding down the path. Though this skeleton was much,  much taller. He wore a red shirt and some kind of Halloween costume.  What does he call it,  a battle body? I really should have been paying more attention to sans when he talked to me through a door.

Then,  the skeletons voice rang out,  making me flinch at how loud it was.


Well,  I am having a bit of a rough time rn due to personal events and experiences, but I'm doing my best to update! I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to finish off this chapter! Hope you enjoy and I'll try to keep updating!

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