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I was not prepared. I was sitting at the table while Toriel was making pie. She and frisk had exchanged a few calls, not long ones, just a question or to just say hi. I didn't really pay attention, drawing a small sketch of fire, like the one Toriel had summoned earlier. I didn't get to see what she was throwing it at, but it probably deserved it. picking out another colored pencil, I heard Toriel's phone ring for the fifth time in at least an hour.  I decided to ignore it, wanting to enjoy my human free time while I could. I knew I was going to have to face Frisk sooner or later. They were going to have to stay down here as I did, but that didn't mean I couldn't avoid them for as long as I could. I was still mad at them.

When an orphan turns 16, they are old enough to move out of the orphanage or 'Home'. When you turn 18, you are forced to leave. We had a plan. When Frisk turned 17, old enough to be a legal guardian, at least where we were from, they were going to get us both out of there. But when Frisk turned 16... something happened, and they wouldn't tell me. They left one day, without saying goodbye. And I was all alone.  The bullying only got worse after they were gone. I would get pushed or kicked, sometimes my hair would get pulled, get called vulgar words, things that made me hurt to think about. For years I had looked up to Frisk as an older sibling, we would even refer to each other as such, and then... I had felt left alone, Abandoned all over again.

"Would that make you happy, to call me 'Mother'?" I dropped my pencil on the floor and pushed my chair back from the table, causing MY MOM to look out the doorway of the kitchen. Not looking at her, I got up and walked to MY room, pulled on my brown boots, and ran out into the ruins.

Toriel probably thought I stayed in my room because she didn't come after me or call me.

 Not stopping until I reached the room with cheese on the table,  I heard footsteps coming towards me. I was not letting them take everything away from me. Boosting my self up onto the table, I swung my legs back and forth, waiting as their footsteps became closer an closer. Seeing their shadow by the entrance, I turned my face down, casting a shadow over it. Frisk walked in, slowing down once they caught sight of me. I waited for them to enter entirely before stopping them.


"Hm?" Frisk seemed confused. They pushed some of their bangs out of their face while tilting there head. I jumped off the table and turned towards them.

"I said NO. You can't jump pop in and out whenever you want, you can give me that look, but you can not call MY MOM MOTHER. Do you understand? I don't care if I share a room with you, I don't care if I have to sit down with you at meals, but I am NOT sharing the one good thing that has ever happened to me. Stay away from my mom, and don't hurt us. Ever. Or you will regret it." turning on my heel, I began to walk off.

Frisk, startled from my... outburst, followed after me before stopping for a moment, looking at the cheese with a look of determination in their eyes.

After a moment I could hear them running after me. I decided to just ignore them, trudging on at a constant pace.

"Gray! Wait!" No, I wouldn't wait. I would just keep walking until I get to my little terrace, overlooking OLD HOME. "Wait!" Nope. "Gray!" They were catching up. Not turning back, I picked up my pace, only a little though.  I was tired from all this running. Although this action just seemed to encourage them as they sped up. soon enough, we were both running at full speed. I didn't know if they intended to hurt me for yelling at them, but I wasn't going to take that chance. 

We ran almost all the way to my home before Frisk tripped over a line of Moldsmall. at this moment, I was glad that monsters kept their distance from me. As Frisk tried to FLEE, I turned a corner and ran to the hallway with the entrance to my favorite spot. The balcony that overlooks the locked off part of the ruins. I dived into the doorway before frisk could figure out which way I went. Though, when I made it in there, against one wall was a chest. I knew it wasn't there before. 

I slowly made my way over to it, eyeing it carefully. Toriel wouldn't have put it there, would she? No, she would have told me. I know Frisk didn't put it there, because they haven't even been this deep into the underground yet. Quietly, I made my way over to the box, as to not notify Frisk which way I went. opening the box, I immediately closed it.

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Not today.  I pushed the chest over to the edge of the balcony and hoisted it up,  ignoring the strain in my arms.  I was not sealing with this.  Not now,  not ever. I understand there is a such a thing as magic,  but that was just down right creepy.  I pushed the box over the edge of the railing,  letting it fall to the ground and watching as it crashed against the floor.  I know Tori,  would have heard that,  but I'll tell her something fell down in old home again. Technically I wouldn't be telling a lie.

Yep,  I'm out of here. Gone.  Done.  Nope.

I speed walked home, entering the house to the smell of pie.  Just as I had the thought of pie,  Toriel came out into the entry way, carrying two plates of pie. She was clearly bringing it to my room.

"Hi Mom,  do you need help?" I Questioned her,  pointing to a plate of pie,  which I had full intent on eating. It seemed she new of my intentions and handed me a plate with a fork.

After getting a good grip on a , I followed her to my room,  making small talk about the crash she heard earlier,  not telling her I threw something over the edge. I opened the door for her and stepped in,  not moving more then two steps before stopping.

They were in my bed. We set up the other bed for them to sleep in,  and they were sleeping in MY bed. Setting down the pie on the floor,  I turned on my heel and grabbed Moms hand. I guided her out and checked the time on my phone.  Mr.  Skeleton wouldn't be coming for at least 2 hours according to his normal visits. I guess we will be reading until then. I got a book,  99 facts about snails,  and went over to Tori's chair. Once again reading my mind like a total mom would,  she sat down and pulled me into her lap,  handing me the spare price of pie and taking the book.  For a while,  we just read. Silently  while I finished up my pie and slowly dozed off. It wasn't a very eye catching book like most,  but it was her favorite,  so while she read,  laughing at the accasional snail pun while I rested,  waiting to tell Frisk off and explain to her that that was my bed. I had a dream of Snow White powder falling from trees that had the pleasant aroma of pine,  sigh a slight rattling in the dark forest.

What's this,  actual progress made? Who would of thought that I would make progress in the story...  Kinda...  I'm getting there okay.  Well,  I am on fall break so I have a lot more time to write and plot.  So I might be able to get a start on a few chapters and might even make a schedule! Yeah,  I can dream. So hopefully, I'll update soon.


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