So I've been tagged....

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I've been tagged by BubblyShip,  an author here on Wattpad. So now I must reveal 20 facts about myself? Okay let's do this.

1.I love animes such as Black Butler and vampire knight.

2. I am single and don't plan on dating ever. And if I do every single last one of you get to slap me.

3.i have a evil cat named Illuminati

4.I am a misanthrope. I generally just don't like people.
5. I like Wattpad cuz I don't have to talk to any of you.  We are totally cool with the fact that we are all strangers.

6. I love drawing and painting. I'm no good but I make nature sketches that turn out pretty okay.

7.I speak a little sign language. Not enough for you to come up to me and have a conversation but enough to commune my thoughts.

8. I have like,  4 friends and I only talk to like two of them.

9. I find this straining on my brain.

10. I love thinking of stuff to write and making scenarios in my head. But when it comes to writing it down....  I'm better off just telling people my idea and letting them use it.  But then I'm afraid of them ruining it.

11. I am Haphephobic. Touch me and one of two things happens.  I scream "HUMAN CONTACT" and punch you or I have a break down.  It's mostly the first one and doesn't happen as often with family. But school was hell for me. Crowded halls and shoving. I get chills thinking if it.

12. I have red hair.  That's how I thought of this story, I'm constantly reminded that I am a l soulless being that wants to kill innocent people.  So instead of crying I tell bullies to watch there backs.  Best decision? No.  Hilarious to watch them get scared of what they created, definitely.

13. I found out about undertale through a cousin a few years back at thanksgiving.

14. I threw up at that same thanksgiving.

15. I get creative highs.  If I'm suddenly struck by inspiration I will be harder to tame then a lion riding an elephant on crack while watching Vampire Diaries. It's also the reason I have multiple started but unfinished projects in my room.  I got one the other day and started making cosplay.  So far I've turned the legs of what used to be a coffee table into Ink Sans paint brush and Cross Sans knife. Or at least I'm working on it.

16.i don't sleep with my closet open.  Not in fear of the dark or monsters,  so my cat won't eat my art supplies while I am not watching her.

17. I love reading.  Harry Potter , Night World,  Fable Haven,  the Kane Chronicles, stuff like that.

18. I've read the books that I just named at least 15 times each.

19. I play guitar and the harp.  I wrote a song once. No one let's me make songs anymore. Stick to what I know I guess.

20. I didn't think I would survive this long or think of this much to put down.  And I thought of stuff that I haven't even said here.

Bonus fact: I don't know 20 people I can tag. :P so I'm just going to do like three. I would tag BubblyShip but she's the one that tagged me. I don't really talk to people so I don't want to tag strangers. I feel awkward and stuff and they might ask me about stuff and try conversations with me and ahdhfjdhdjfjfhdndkdhjkhhjnbdjdndhfkdbdhdjfndjfjfnfkdbfbfjbrrvje. Yeah. More stress. So check out BubblyShip, she is the best that ever existed. I know she might see this so hiya Captain! Sup.

I tag:


Kohai Karma

I hope you don't mind me tagging you Karma cuz I don't actually know you but you cool. So yeah....  Bye.

Mental breakdown out.

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