Just a Bit of Warmth and Curiosity

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I had fallen almost two months  ago. I was happy down here. I had a home. I was guaranteed a good meal every night by Toriel. She was the best.

There hadn't been another... incident. The other monsters mostly avoided me. I was a little scared that the Froggit was spreading rumors about me but, what are ya gonna do?

The RUINS were quite beautiful. Even if it was in literal ruins. Toriel let me play around the tree in front of her home. That was where I currently was. Toriel was reading her book about snails while keeping a close eye on me.

I was looking the tree up and down, looking for the next foothold. I figured I could amuse myself by climbing the small tree. I was half way up when my foot slipped and I scraped my knee. I held on tight and found the foot hold once more.

Toriel was at my side as I hissed. Since she was very tall she she didnt need to reach very high to pick me up by the waist. She gently pulled me down and sat me on the ground.

"Are you alright , Grayson?" she asked as she lightly pushed some dirt away from the wound, making me wince at the contact. It wasn't a large cut but it hurt.

"I'm okay. It just stings. Don't worry about it." I gave her the biggest smile I could muster as she gave me a thoughtful frown.

"My child, this will sting, but please do not move."She looked down at my knee and wrapped her paws around it. A soft green glow came from around her large hands and move in a calming motion around my leg.

She was right when she said it would sting. Though it only did for a minute as it soon became very relaxing. It was like I was swimming in a small pool that sent small drifts and waves my way.

What was very interesting was that I could recognize that this magic belonged to Toriel. Not the fact that I could see her standing in front of me, and I could see her doing it. But more of the fact that the magic just felt like her.

It felt like home. Like the warmth of eating her pie. It was just peace.

By the time she pulled away my knee was good as new. It just had some dirt on it. I looked up to her in awe. I still had my arm in a brace, but now it tingled as well. Like the magic she had used on my knee was trying to get to it.

"That was incredible." I muttered just so she could here.

"Well I wouldn't want it to get infected. How about we go eat some pie? Come on." she pulled me up by the hand and we went in. I was suddenly full of energy.

Welp. I thought. Imma have trouble going to sleep tonight.
We went to the kitchen as she pulled her specialty snail pie out of the oven. I now it sounds gross, but its just like how the french eat snails. Besides, its amazing.

As she was cutting the pie into pieces we heard the two knocks that we both loved. "You go ahead, I'll get us both a piece and bring it down." she said to me , noticing the way I was bouncing. This brought a smile to my face.

"Thanks, Mom!" I said as I ran off. I didn't notice my mistake till I was half way down the large purple stairs. I shook it off hoping she didn't notice my slip. I rushed down the hall and before i even made it there I asked, "Who is there?" I was panting from dashing down the hallway.

"Snow." The familiar voice said. I held back a giggle.

"Snow who?"
"Come on, don't pretend you don't SNOW me." we both cracked up at the joke. They were always terrible but I loved them anyway.

"That was funny. I wish I could think up jokes like you do. Then I could make others laugh, too." I told him. He chuckled and I knew a joke was coming.

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