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I still felt horrible. But the small fan blowing in the corner cooled me as I laid starfished out on the bed. Toriel left me to my own affairs when we heard the two knocks that faintly echoed up the stairs. If you weren't quiet then you wouldn't even be able to hear it. But it is always quiet here.

Toriel said she would notify Mr. Skeleton, as I call him, that she could not stay very long. I wish I could go down with her, but she wouldn't let me get out of bed.

I regretted her absence as my knee itched like crazy. My arm had the tingling sensation in it once again but it was a little different. Almost like instead of reaching for the healing magic Toriel had used, it was pushing it away. Rejecting the warmth of the amazing feeling that ran through my body.

The thought of the green swirling magic made me want to throw up. I didn't understand why. But the once dancing figures of green that floated around my knee became ocean waves crashing onto a rocky shore. As the thought ran through my head I felt a jab of pain in my knee.

Immediately I sat up and pulled my dress up just enough to see my knee. The sight I was met with almost made me throw up. The scrape was there. And as blood rolled down the side of my leg, the corners of my leg oozed  with the distinct flowing color that had made me feel so wonderful just the other day. Though the pain in my knee grew worse, the feeling in my stomach retreated. It was drawing back.

The overwhelming heat retreated as well. But I could hardly notice over my own horror. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. It was terrifying. I was terrified. 

My mouth hung there, and now I couldn't even close it due to my horror. The only thing heard was the ringing in my ears. The air became unbreathable as I gulped it in through my lungs.

The green magic was no longer beautiful as it dripped down my leg, mixing with my blood.
I just scraped my knee. But the pain radiating from my leg felt like a knife going strait through it.

But for the life of me I couldn't yell for help. I couldn't call for mom. I could only watch as the blood dripped down my leg onto the sheet.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

I heard a small ping come from the night stand. I glanced over to the noise and realized it was my phone. The screen said PHONE AT 100% UNPLUG TO SAVE ENERGY.

I scrambled for the phone, fumbling with the charger. The screen went slightly darker when I pulled the charger out. I pulled up the contact MOM.

But when I went to click call I hesitated. I don't know why, but it was like something was whispering to me. Telling me not to.

Ignoring  the feeling I pressed on the contact, hearing it ring. Faintly I could hear Toriels phone ring through the house. When the ringing stopped my phone beeped, notifying me that Toriel was on the line.

"My child, do you need something."


"My child?" Toriel was clearly worried. I knew something was wrong. I knew I needed help. But I just couldn't tell her.

"Mom.." I began," Can I have some pie?"

I hid my knee under the blankets when she came in. We had some pie and she went to bed. I cleaned up any evidence of blood of the sheet and my leg.

I don't know why I couldn't show her my leg.  Let her heal it again.  But I get the feeling it would not work. It probably would just do this again. What ever this is.

      Eventually she left the room and I got up.  I didn't feel like throwing up any more so that was good.  I went over to the wardrobe and saw how many jeans or Capri's I had that would cover my knee. Pretty much all but the one I wore when I scraped it and a few shorts.

I peeked out my door to see if the hall was clear.  Sure enough it was.  I quickly went over to the bathroom and cleaned my knee and washed the nightgown off where some blood had gotten. 

After that was done I walked back to my room. I used a wet rag to dab blood and magic off  it.  When I was done I simply made my bed.  It was if it never happened.  I put the tag in the hamper and pulled out my sketchbook.

I drew for a little while before Toriel called me for dinner. I ate and went to bed.

I didn't sleep well.  I kept waking up at the sight of green and red colors swirling around each other. Like the magic I saw in my wound to day.  But the one from my dream seemed more like fire.  Raging and grieving.  And the red seemed dedicated.  Single minded. Like it would not give up until it reaches its goal.  The light seemed familiar.  Like an old friend.

Hi guy's! Sorry it took so long to update.  And it's such a short chapter! I am ashamed. :'( Oh well.  I'll update ASAP.  Hope you guys enjoy.  See ya!

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