I don't want to go...

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I woke from Toriel's soft voice greeting someone,  yet I let my eyes rest for a moment,  longing to still be asleep.  I couldn't quite hear what they asked but I knew it was Frisk. 

"Um...  would you like to hear a few facts on snails?"  Toriel seemed uneasy. Frisk asked their question again and this time I heard it.  Jolting up, I looked over to them from my place on Toriel's lap. I knew how she was uneasy with the thought of me going downstairs at first,  so she probably was with frisk as well.  Except the difference was I didn't ask if I could leave.

Wanting to get my mother out of this uncomfortable situation, I sucked up my grudge and asked Frisk a different question to delay the answer to their own.

"Hey Frisk,  wanna see my favorite place in the underground? It's really pretty when the crystals light up at night." At first they seemed surprised at my offer,  and Tori seemed relieved.

Jumping at the opportunity I just opened,  Toriel began, "Yes,  that is a wonderful idea, my child,  and I assume you both want to catch up on. Well best be off then,  they should light up soon." I slid off her lap and walked over to Frisk, giving a small,  forced none the less,  smile.

"C'mon,  let's get some warmer clothes on or something,  it can get drifty in old home,  especially from the terrace. " They hesitated before nodding in response.

In all honesty,  I hated the idea of sharing my favorite spot with them.  It was my spot.  Call me selfish,  but I never had anything of my own until I came here.  And now it's being taken away from me.  But if it will keep Mom happy...  I'll share. There is still a few things that are mine. Like my phone. And clothes.  But I guess they had to be someone else's before mine... 

"Let's go!" I exclaimed a little to cheery as I grabbed my green windbreaker and boots and finished pulling them on.  Frisk had on the outfit they had fallen in. It was warmish weather clothes I guess. 

I grabbed their wrist and pulled them out of our room.  I called to Tori to let her know we were leaving and led the way to my spot.  The only time I slowed down was at the entrance to my mini cave like room,  and that was when I saw the wooden box  at the side of the room,  as if it hadn't been touched in a while. I played it off as normal though, by going over to it and sitting on it,  like that was what it was meant for instead of a chest holding something.

"Go ahead and look.  It's a nice view of the village. A few monster live down there,  but only some whimsums. It's not really stable and the only way you can get down there is to fly. "

They looked out,  but in an almost bored way,  as if the view wasn't knew to them. I wanted to drop this stupid happy act, it was annoying. It seemed Frisk had the same idea.

"I want to go home.  Where is the exit to the ruins,  Gray?" They had small bit of regret to their voice,  but so little of it that I had almost missed it. Sighing,  I looked at them.

"Why did you climb Mt. Ebbot anyway.  You and I both know the legend, heard the nursery rhymes.  For goodness sake we jumped roped to it. If you were so happy with your new life,  why come here?"

"... because we both new the nursery rhyme.  I know you know the legend. Where else would you have run off to? "

"Your saying you came to get me?" I asked in an exasperated tone.  They could not be serious right now.

" I came to bring you home.  I saw that they put an Amber Alert on you,  and no one else was looking. "

"Wow.  Way to make me feel better. "

"C'mon Gray.  You and I both know you don't belong here. I don't bong here.  Let's go home together. "

"I'm happy here.  Not there. This is home. Literally, "I gestured to the city below us, " this place is called HOME. "

"Please, " they seemed to be begging. Let's go home. Not to the Orphanage,  I won't leave you there I promise."

Jumping up,  ignoring Frisk , I left.  I walked home and strait to the stairs to the basement. Toriel must have seen me walk down because I heard her following me down the hall. She was fast after all,  and she asked me what I was doing.

"I don't want to leave,  so Imma find a way to lock the door and hide the key." Just then I heard another set of footsteps come down the stairs, presumably Frisks.

Tori grabbed my hand and met Frisk half way, "Let's go upstairs. It's quiet dusty down here." she grabbed Frisks hand and brought us upstairs.

Frisk just seemed irritated. I sat down at the table and stared at my hands,  that were just poking out of the sleeves of my jacket.  Frisk stood at the doorway to the living area while Tori took her seat again. Opening her book. Frisk seemed unsatisfied with the responses she had been getting. She just kept bugging us about the exit to the ruins.

I could tell things were gonna fall apart when Toriel excused herself from the room. Almost immediately Frisk grabbed my hand and pulled me to our room.

"What are you doing? " I asked,  bewildered. They were going through the dresser and pulling clothes out,  and a few of my other things before 4th rowing them on the bed,  and began searching for something else.

"Going home." was her simple reply.

"Why are you grabbing my clothes? I'm not going. "

" Yes you are. " ... I didn't know how to respond.  It's not like they could make me go.  But they seemed really determined.

"Put the clothes away. WE aren't going anywhere. " Seeming to have found what they were looking for,  they pulled out my old bag that I carried when I fell.
Shoving the contents from my bed into the bag,  they turned to me with a glint in their eyes. The grabbed my wrist, ignoring my loud and frankly rude protests,  and walked to the basement corridor,  where Toriel stood waiting, or hesitating.

"I understand you want to leave,  but please, go back to your room. " She stated in a way I hadn't heard her speak before. " Ahead of us lies the exit to the ruins. I am going to destroy it. Do not try to stop me." I wanted to do that earlier,  but now I was wondering if it was a good idea.  But I wasn't going g to protest it if it meant I got to stay.

But Frisk just kept following her. Despite her warnings,  her pleads,  they kept going. Dragging me behind them,  much to my displeasure.

Eventually we made it to the end of the corridor  where Toriel and I had made so many jokes with the stranger from the other side.

"You want to leave that badly.  Then prove to me you can take care of yourself." The room went black,  and Toriel summoned fire from her hands.  The red flames flickered with a bit of blue meeting her palms.

Frisk shoved the bag into my arms, forcing me to move to the side.  I would have run upstairs at that moment,  but I was trapped between Toriel and Frisk,  both blocking the path.

Frisk tried to talk to Toriel,  but couldn't think of anything to say.
She looked right through them. Then a wave of fire went at them.

Frisk actually dodged most of the bullet like flames, as if they had memorized Tori's attack patterns. But they still took a hit every now and then,  their HP slowly dropping.  Soon,  it was almost out,  and Frisk looked exhausted. I knew that Toriel would kill them without meaning to,  I had to do something.

Even if I hate them,  I wouldn't let them die. With a urging power in my chest,  after another one of Frisks attend to speak to Tori,  I pushed out in-between them, holding my arms out.
Not to Toriel,  but to Frisk,  blocking her from my mother.

And then my HP dropped from 10 to 7.

Hey! Look, I'm not trash! New chapter already! And it's it's longer than usual!  Hurry for me! Hope you enjoyed and I'll update as soon as possible .


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