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"Why wont you let me heal you?"
"You dont need to, its only a scrape, doesnt even bother me!"
"Then you should have no objections."
"You dont have to waste energy on me."
"It wouldnt be a waste if its for you."
"Seriously Mom, its okay, Mr. Skeleton is at the door, I only fell down a few steps, hes probably waiting."

"Nah, take your time! Not like theres a snow pile growing on my head. Oh wait," A large thump vould be heard through the door at the end of the long corridor, before some rattling of bones and the correaponding comment of, "Now there isn't." With a weary look, my mother helped me up. Letting the subject of the burn on my hand from impact of the concrete floor go. That was about the time we put railing for the stairs up.
"No Paps! Im allergic to glitter, remember!" I huffed out a laugh, taking the glitter from his hand and setting on the counter before he could pour it into the sauce. It was the second time he almost put something in edible in the food, but I got it from him in time for him to sheepishly apologize and continue with the new recipe.

The others watched from the door as I tossed some thyme to papyrus over my shoulder, he caught it without looking and shook it twice over the sauce before placing it beside the counter. Undyne applauded at that, impressed by Paps reflexes. Maybe this is what Paps meant when he said he trains with Undyne by cooking. So I threw spices I thought would be good at him, not with force but from different angles, and he caught most of them without blinking and putting the amount he wanted. Soon enough the noodles were done so I strained them into a colander while paps covered the sauce and turned it on low.

When we turned around undyne was silently jumping up and down and punching the air, Sans was leaning against the door way smiling lazily, yet seemingly content. And Frisk was standing just outside the door, slightly taken aback, since the last time we had been in a kitchen together I caught a toaster on fire. We got in trouble that day because we weren't supposed to be in the kitchen at three in the morning, let alone be stealing food. And setting things on fire, but in my defense, the nob was confusing, to when I tried to set the timer to two minutes I accidentally set it to seven.

We were confined to our room for a week, it was amazing.

It has been awhile since I have looked back on those times, and it brought a sour scowl to my face.

Once again longing for my home in the RUINS, I pulled out sliver ware for everyone, even Frisk, even if I wanted to drive a spoon into their neck. But luckily for this meal you required forks instead of spoons. Papyrus pulled down plates and soon we were all at the table. I sat between Sans and Papyrus, them being the most comfortable around me, with Undyne across from me and Frisk  across from Sans. We served up the food and Sans was the first to brave the dish, watching his brothers face, Paps doing the the same. I could tell he wanted to make Papyrus happy, and wanted to see the happiness dawn on his face. But Paps was also watching him, waiting for the suprise when his brother tasted the very much improved dish.

And suprise washed over Sans face as he savored the flavor of the dish. Paps and I turning to eachother to recieve high fives. Undyne was the next to eat, jumping up with a NYAH!

"TIS ISH INCREBIBLE BAPS!" she screamed through her mouth full.


Frisk was more hesitant to eat it, probably having run ins with paps other spaghetti, but when they saw me eating it, they took a small bite, and immediately began scorfing down. Papyrus sat back down when Undyne let go of him, smiling as wide as he jaw would let him without it falling off. It made me happy to see him in a good mood, and I ate all I could before I was full, which wasnt much. Not so full I would immeadiatly pass out from a food coma, but full enogh to where I might wanna go on a run. I considered it too, there werent many long distance places to run in the ruins, but I have walked everday for at least two year, im sure I could make my way up to atleast a jog in Waterfall.

Then I had a thought, maybe one day we would all be on the surface, Mom would
have a nice little house for just the two of us, the skelton brothers across the way of the street, I could play music on a MP3 like the ones the older kids at the orphanage had, and run the length of the town, small, with monsters from all around, and none of them would attack me, and I would feel the wind rush my face, the fresh air filling my lungs.

Looking up, I could feel the comfortable silence fill the room, as they munched on their food with content, Sans slightly asleep, and Papyrus not complaining on about his laziness, Undyne not yelling, and Frisk deep in thought as well. And though I missed my mother very dearly, I enjoyed this company, even if THEY were here, and I was okay with that.

"So, um... Grayson?" Undyne asked breaking the silence. I looked at her, giving her permision to ask her question.
"You said your home was in the RUINS, but they were closed off years ago. Actually, we had sentries around there to make sure no one got into it, she glanced at Sans who shrugged, lazily taking another bite of his food, which was almost gone.

"Yeah, it's where I fell, giant hole in the ground. I must of tripped. It was awhile ago so I don't quite remember what happened."

"How long ago?"

"I don't know, a few years?" I said glaring slightly at Frisk.

"Did you have anime?"

Now that question caught me of gaurd. Anime? I almost forgot about the animations that danced a the television at the orphanage.

"Not in the ruins, no. We didnt have a tv."

And with that Undyne scooped me up, pulling me close to her face, Sans sat up in suprise along with Paps, both taken aback by the action.


"Uhh. I guess?" I sweatdropped, as Undyne pushed me up onto her shoulders and reached for my previously discarded wind breaker on the couch, looking to Paps and Sans, and exclaiming,


And with a signiture NYAH she ran out the door, me hanging on to her shoulders for dear life as the wind rushed through my hair, whipping my face violently as she sprinted towards and through WATERFALL.

Sup guys! Hows it going? Im pretty good, better than good actually! My favorite authors have been updating a lot, I've been eating lunch in the Library instead of the cafeteria, much more peaceful with just me and my friends, I actually passed a math test! And this book has reached over 3k views! Hello there! Hope your having a great day, and if not my msg board is open! Enjoy the chapter!
Mental breakdown out.

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