Whats the Word?

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She stared at me waiting, a glint in her eye which no one would be able to identify if left with nothing but the darkness of which encased us, trapping us in a battle of magic and what? What did I have to protect my self. I had some of the G I had earned form talking to people, I had two outfits in my pack that Frisk had snatched up from my mothers house, I had color pencils, which had been left sitting in the bag, my sketch book its self left behind Annoying Dog knows where.

We stood there, her anger growing with every second of nothing happening. I wanted nothing more than to flee. But I knew what she was waiting for. The tug at my chest was enough evidence, though I had gotten used to it while confronting other monsters, this tug was more... Not enthusiastic. Thats not the word.

We stood staring at each other. Her snarl growing as she lightly growled at me.

Confident? No, that was there but its not quite the proper word.

She slowly widened her eyes as she relized whatever she was trying would get no results, but that only encouraged her more. The tugging made me take a deep breathe, as I stood still and even I expected something to happen.

Perseverance? No. No, that was something else.

I look to the side, overwhelmed by the feeling emitting from the fish like monster in front of me, only to be blasted by the feeling from another source. Looking at Frisk, I recongnized it in that moment.

"Determination." Undyne faltered at my clear voicing of the word.

"I remember reading in a science book that monster souls couldn't contain it, studies of a scientist or something, I cant remember his name. But I can feel it radiating off you. To be honest its unsettling. I felt a little here and a little there, but just, WOW."

Light faded back into the world as Undyne stood there shaking, unknowing herself why.

"When you pulled me into battle, it was like I could just feel it searing off of-"


Everyone turned to Papyrus, looking at me through hesitant white points, slightly shaking in his eye sockets.
"ITS... unsettling." He whispered, holding on to Frisks arms. Suddenly I broke out of whatever daze I had been in, my own eyes wide as I relized I had just ranted about something probably personal. And I don't even know where it came from, or what I was talking about.

"Oh my.... I'm so sorry!" I ran up to Undyne with an apoligetic look on my face. "That was so un-called for! Im really sorry... Can I do something to make it up to you?"

She stood there frozen, staring at me with her uncovered eye, the fabric momentarily catching my attention, the swirling light blue light of the crystal covered caverns bouncing off it in a bolero form.

Suddenly all my fear of her taking me because I was a human was gone. It could have been for many reasons. That she looked slightly frightened of me? That she looked to Papyrus who must have given her a reasuring look of me being nice, despite whatever doubt he had shown? Or the fact that I was beaming up at her because of the red flame like hair above her head, and that I could feel her soul pounding with determination in her chest? But regardlessof the reason, all of my thoughts were quickly forgotten as she got down on one knee and ambivalently put a hand on my shoulder. I could feel the tinest tug in my chest, making my smile falter slightly as she searched for any sign or essence of a soul. And for that I smiled at her lightly, willing her to stop silently.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else." Frisk said after more house, or whatever was left burning collapsed beyond recognition. Glaring slightly at them, the notion not going un-noticed by Undyne, nodded slightly in agreement.

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