A Strange Voice

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I woke up in the room. I sat up and spotted my bag leant against the foot of the bed. Why didn't I see that earlier? Oh well. I grabbed it and pulled out my sketch book, thinking of what to draw.

          Nothing in the room was worth drawing but a few stuffed animals, but ill save those for another day. I stood up and looked around. Nothing. I sighed and opened the door.

         The hall had a cute little plant in it. It would be cool to draw it. I began to scribble down all the little details. I now its called a water sausage or something so instead of having it a pot i had it in a swampy area. Not to bad if i say so myself.

A few moments later the next door in the hall opened. Toriel stepped out of it and glanced at me. She smiled gently, as if she was happy I was still there.

"Good morning, Grayson. Would you like a bath?" She indicated to the last room in the hall. I had began to stink and was still in my old and torn clothes. I tore the picture from my sketch book and nodded.

"Yes please, this is for you Miss Toriel." I handed her the drawing and put my sketch book on the little hall table. She looked at it, taking in all the details. If it was possible, her smile beamed even brighter.

We went into the room at the end of the hall, which was a large bathroom. ( Idk if that's what it is but I need bathrooms in this book.)

In it there was a very large tub. It went to at least my lower chest. Toriel began to run the water and added what I think was bubbles.

My suspicion was affirmed as bubbles came up from the water and filled the tub. Toriel turned off the water when it was about the right level for me.

"I will be back with some clothes for you my child." She walked out of the bathroom and off to get me clothes. Toriel is very kind. I could imagine staying with her.

There was so much to do today. I hurriedly discarded my old clothes and climbed into the tub, careful to keep my wrapped up arm over the edge. Luckily for me there was a small stool. Why would Toriel have all these things for kids. Maybe she has one of her own and they grew up.

A soft knock was heard at the door and I made sure that i was covered in bubbles. "Come in." I called to the owner of the knock, knowing it was Toriel.

She came in and set what looked like a green jumper and blue jean shorts with little flowers sewed into the cuffs. She laid a towel on top of the clothes and headed out the bathroom.

"Take you time but don't stay in to long, will you not?" She asked me. I nodded as she left the bathroom. I played with the bubbles for a few minutes before they faded away.

I had never had a bath this nice. And usually I only had five minutes to. It was relaxing. Of course all things must come to an end. I stood up and grabbed the towel off the counter and dried the bubbles of my body, i examined the clothes that Toriel got for me. The green jumper went to my knees and had a yellow symbol,  like toriel sewed into it. The shorts were actually capri's that went to my mid thigh. They were a little loose but they'd stay up.

I tried to dry my long hair but instead glared at it. It was always in the way and bugging me. At least now it wasn't tangled.

I exited the bathroom with my old rags and walked towards the chair that Toriel sits in. But she wasn't there. I looked into the kitchen to look for her but she wasn't there. I threw my old clothes in the bin while I was there.

Just then I heard the faint sound of laughter. Just like yesterday it come from the living room. I walked in and heard it again. It was coming from down the stairs. I know she said not to go down, but i had to see what was so funny. I carefully stepped down the stairs to find a large corridor. Toriels laughs echoed through the hall as i slowly followed it.

"Okay, okay," she gasped fir some air before continuing," I got one, Knock knock." i turned the last corner to see her sitting by a large door, knocking twice on it.

A deep voice came from the other side," Whose there?" he seemed as if he had been laughing hard to, as I could here him gasping for air.

"E-etch,"Toriel was able to get out. I could see where this was going and tried to prepare myself for the punchline.

"Etch who?" the strange voice asked.

"Bless you, my friend!" they both cracked up laughing and i had to cover my mouth to hide my giggles. I had a feeling there was more jokes on the way, and I was right.

"Knock knock." the voice started again.
"Who's there?" Toriel asked him.
"Robin." the voice stated.
"Robin who?"

Oh no...

"Robin YOU, now give me the G!" Toriel laughed out as if it the funniest thing shes heard in years. Unfortunately so did I.
I froze when I realized my mistake. 

Both Toriel and the voice went silent. Tori stood and walked over to the corner I was behind and peered around. I looked fearfully up at her. This is the part where she yells and I am lectured.

She looked at me and eyed the door. The voice asked in a concerned tone, "Old lady, is someone else there?" I stood up.

"Hey! Shes not old!" i shouted down to the door. I didn't like the voice saying that to her. I had a pouty face pulled on and Tori just laughed like I had told a joke.

"My child,"she chuckled," why are you down here?" i looked down disappointed in myself for disobeying her.

"Im sorry, I heard you laughing and wanted to see why. Now I know you had a very good reason!" I giggled remembering the voices joke. She looked exasperated for a moment before laughing once more.

"Come , then child, allow me to introduce you." She took my hand and led me to the door. "Greetings friend. This is my child you here. I thought she was bathing but it seems she is done now. She heard me laughing."

"Aww,  glad to know I tickled your 'funny bone'." I had a feeling there was a pun to that but i didn't get it, but Toriel giggled at it so it must make some sort of sense.

Both Toriel and I sat down again and listened to him tell jokes, Tori occasionally putting her own in.
"Knock knock?" I giggled.
"Who's there?"
"Temmie who?"
"Temmie about your day."
I burst into laughter.
It went on like this for about an hour. I was having trouble breathing and somehow ended up in toriels lap, her arms wrapped around me in a motherly way.

"Well I better get back. Paps is probably worried by now. Later old lady, later kid." I could here the ground crunch out side as someone standing.

"Bye!" I yelled to him as he chuckled and walked away. Toriel seemed happy with the events of today.she picked me up and we went up stairs. She began to make lunch as I began a drawing of a piece of pie I had yesterday. I looked forward to the next time I get to hear his jokes.

Hey guys look i found out how to change the words. This took forever to write so I hope you enjoy. Im goin to be busy for the next few weeks but I will update as much as possible!
-Neko chan

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