A Cold

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          I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to get to get up ever again. My knee was aching so bad. My arm hurt. My body felt like it was on fire. And my chest feels like there is an elephant sitting on it.

        I couldn't focus. My mind was swirling and felt as if it would blow any moment. Almost as if i stepped on a mine and as soon as I made any movement it would blow.

        I couldn't even roll over to reach for my phone. I couldn't call for Mom. I couldn't cry. I was just... Immobile.

       I dreaded the heat that washed over me that made me want to push off my blankets. It made me think I could never be cool again.

        Just when I thought the migraine pounding in my skull could not get any worse, two light knocks came at my door.

Though they were light knocks, it felt like someone came and smashed a wooded chair over my head, in hopes it would fall to pieces. I could only assume I let out a groan because the door opened, reviling my motherly goat guardian. She had a concerned look on her face.

"My child," she began, "Are you alright. You usually wake up around eight o'clock. It is almost ten thirty." Her voice was so soft. Yet it felt like she was yelling at me.

Despite the protests my brain was hurling at me, I slowly sat up. I could feel my bones creak. It was pure agony. But I wouldn't let it show. Showing a sheepish smile I replied,"I guess I over slept." It wasn't that hard to cover up the fact I didn't feel well. Slowly pulling the blankets off my lap and moving my legs off the bed, Toriel came in and turned on the lights.

She helped me choose an outfit, which was a soft, silk, purple shirt with little butterflies on it. It reached down for my knees, fanning out, and matched my jeans. Seeing the beautiful outfit made me feel a little better, but the feeling immediately ceased as my stomach jolted, almost as if  trying to jump out of my abdomen. I Wouldn't be surprised if it was.

Toriel left me to dress, and most likely to make breakfast. Maybe she already did and I slept through it. The thought of food made my stomach yell at me. Maybe I was just hungry. I'd try anything to help my stomach pain.

After slowly dressing, dreading the feeling in my stomach as I moved, I trudged out of my room and softly walked to the living room. The feeling in my head grew slightly worse at the smell of the food. Toriel was setting down plates and silverware on the table. She also had the books for my lesson set out. She had really old book like Shakespeare or Edgar Allen Poe. I enjoyed the old way with words.

Toriels food was delicious. Pancakes and oatmeal, and a slice of snail pie. It looked so good yet at the same time made me want to throw up. Toriel greeted me and I nodded in response. I couldn't process what she said though. I had to focus on the important things. Sit in the chair. Good. Don't throw up. Alright. Don't pass out.  It seemed so simple yet so hard. So close yet out of reach. I didn't realize Toriel was talking to me until i saw her hand waving in front of me.

She asked in a very concerned voice," My child? Are you sure your alright. You are usually so jumpy.  And you look flushed of all color." She held her paw to my hand in search of a fever. But before she could detect anything I gently pulled her paw away.

"I'm fine. Really. Just a little zoned out a little bit. Nothing to worry about." I reassured.  Though the look on her face was one of disbelief and worry.

" If you are alright you must be alright if I only check." She reached forward to check my fore head. I tried to push back, but the fact that I was so weak and she was so strong meant she had the advantage, and won the small battle we had for her to check my temperature. Eventually I gave up all together and let my hands fall to my lap in defeat as she felt my forehead.

Her face was definitely in mom mode. She picked me up and carried me back to my room. I just let her, knowing better than to fight against it. She silently pulled out a night gown that looked like it was from the little house on the prairie. It had little frills around the bottom, collar, and wrists. The sleeves slightly went over my palms, making just to big for me, but it was comfy, and the fabric was cool.

"Change into this my child." she instructed me before leaving the room. Knowing better than to argue with someone in mom mode, I quickly changed, becoming slightly dizzy at how fast I did it.

I had to sit down in fear of passing out. It wasn't lon:before Toriel came back with a tray with just oatmeal on it, and some orange juice.
Which made me wonder. Where did it come from? I haven't seen any oranges down here. Except my cuties. Did she take my knees cuties? Wouldn't they be bad by now.

Ignoring the facts that had no logic to back it up, i redirected my focus to my mother. She set the breakfast tray down and sat me down properly on the bed, smoothing the blankets over me.

It was nice. Comfortable.

Toriel put the tray over my lap and told me," My child, if you are not feeling well you could just tell me. You do not need to hide such a thing from me. You will be having your lesson in here today. I hope you do not mind. Now, is there anything else you need?"

It took me a moment to process the question through my mind. Then I thought about the one thing that was bothering me the most at the moment. 

" Do you have a box fan?"

*Looks at calendar. Feels bad for not updating in so long.

Sorry guys! I had to think really hard about how to approach this chapter. This is usually where I forget about a fanfiction, but I will stay DETERMINED. I just know that someone I really look up to might possibly read this so I got some encouragement. I thank a looming shadow of hope for the support it shows. Thank you all again for reading this. Im really grateful! I'm planning on updating once a week. Why? Cus that's how long it takes me to write a chapter.

Ill see you in a week then. For now, signing off

-Neko chan

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