Wonderful Imagination

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I didnt think much of it. At first it was just the giggling at night. I was used to it. I had imaginary friends before. But then i would see a child from the corner of my eye.

When i looked nothing was there. Then I would see them walk around a corner.  Not entirely them though, just a worn out brown shoes, just walking out. When I followed no one was there.

I had imaginary friends because of bullies that would tell me I could never have real ones. I believed them. But this was different.

This person I kept seeing wasn't a ghost, like I saw a few days ago. I didn't talk to him and he didn't see me. But there was a distinct difference in appearance of the two. This child looked almost human. I new that wasn't true though. I know that humans have fallen down before, but it's impossible for a child to be here, the books I've read all dated back to at least twenty years ago.

So if the human had fallen and stayed down here they would be much older.

By now my knee had healed at left a small, hardly noticable scar. My arm was in a simple ace bandage to keep it from straining. Toriel tried to use healing magic on it to just heal it all the way, but luckily was distracted when an annoying dog came and stole some medical supplies.

Toriel seemed irritated but I silently thanked that dog. It distracted her enough to where we just wrapped it up.

Toriel and I go on daily walks. Usually after Mr. Skeleton leaves. We go through the ruins to where I fell. To see if any other humans had fallen. Toriel always seems relieved that no one is there. But there is also a look of worry on her face. I know better than to ask about it. I don't want to bug her in anyway. Not with my injuries, or my imaginary friend.

I'm scared that she would push me away or make me leave. It's not like I have anywhere to go.

Maybe waterfall. Mr. Skeleton described it and it sounds beautiful. But I would have to go through miles of snow to get there and would probably freeze to death. I don't want to leave the ruins anyway, I'm just starting to get the hang of these puzzles. I really like trying to find them out.

And HOME , the abandoned city her in the ruins is incredible. Toriel closed of the entrance to the city because the structures might be to dangerous or collapse at any moment. So I stay away from it. But she does have a balcony area that looks over it. It's a great veiw and I could spend hours admiring it. I tried to draw it but the details are so complex it's almost as hard as rocket science. Toriel called the designs carved into many of the purple pillars ruins, and were used to channel magic. They were very complex but could do simple to things, like light the streets.

But I listen to her and stay away from the entrance to the city. Despite my yearn to see it closer. The ruins would be so much bigger if it were still accessable, but I like the feeling of the small world I now knew. I don't want to go in on a adventure like most kids. I've settled down somewhat.

As I was reading by the balcony one day, as I did have Toriels permission to come here, I noticed a glint over by the banister that secured my safety from falling down to the city below. I ignored it at first, thinking nothing of it. Then when it glinted again , i shrugged it off as a shiny rock.

The third time I saw it glint in the small glow that spread throughout the catacombs, presumably by magic, I set my book to the side, marking my place, and crawled over to where I thought I saw it.

And I found a toy knife.

I hate toy knife's.  When I was 8 a kid in my class at school brought one. He claimed it was for protection from me. He jammed it in my stomach when I walked by him. The plastic bent against my stomach and probably ruined the toy. It left a large bruise on my stomach for a while. And the worst part is, I got in trouble.

The kid had told the teacher I threatened him then broke his favorite toy. Of course the teachers helping the child now mourning the loss of his toy had no care a in the world for my side of the story.

I sat down and glared at the object lying there between the leaves. It brought back memories I didn't want to remember. I loved my new home and felt some what comfortable here with my mom. My family. This was not something I needed to bring me down.

Standing up, I used my foot to scoot the toy between the pillars of the banister, and to the edge of the balcony. After watching it tilt on the edge for a moment I gave it a small flick with the edge of my shoe, watching it fall down into the city. It landed with a soft thump that echoed through out HOME and the ruins. It stirred up some leaves that flew up when it landed, and I watched as those leaves fell back down softly and covered up the disposed of object.

And even after it was out of my sight, the knowledge it was there bugged me. But knowing no one can enter the city to retrieve it comforted me.

A feeling of dread crawled up my back as I heard breathing behind me. I quickly turn around to come face to face with... nothing.

I swear, this was beginning to feel like a horror movie. One of those cliche ones that will jump scare you at any mo-

"My child!" I let out a little yelp when I heard Tori call out to me. " I have made lunch! Would you like to come and eat?" She asked as she entered the room that holds the balcony. Seeing the scared look on my face she quickly rushes to my side and kneels down to my height.

"I apologise for startling you, dear. Are you alright? You look as though someone has taken your pie." Did I look that scared? Geeze.

I quickly shook my head, my now shoulder length red hair moving frantically with the movement, and responded," I'm ok. You just caught me off guard. Now what this about pie, cuz I could go for some right about now. Can we make some after we have lunch?"
She seemed relieved and took my hand leading me to the exit.

" Of course, which would you prefer? Snail pie or butterscotch cinnamon?" She asked, looking down to glance at me while we made our way through the dimm lighted  room. Snatching my book up when we passed it , I thought for a moment. Both were really good.

"Let's go for the bc. Is that okay with you?" I asked, brushing my hair to the side.

" Of course." We went home and ate lunch, and then we made some pie together. And we each had a slice. But I could swear the next day there was a slice missing. Maybe Toriel got another peice after I went to bed, but I doubt that. Maybe my new imaginary friend got hungry.

Nah. Not likely. I know that they are just in my head.

And another chapter is done! Sorry for the delay on the chapter. I feel like I'm saying that every chapter. I wrote it a while ago and didn't like it. So I re-wrote it and still didn't like it. It was a cycle that just bugged me. This took me at least a week to write. I just have to make it through the beginning of the story before I can get to the real action. Story plots are harrrrrrrrddddddddddd. *Screams and throws writing journal out a window.

Why are people actually reading this. And people are starting to follow me. What the heck? Why? I didn't think I'd get farther than two followers and now I'm at what? Ten? Nine? That's a huge accomplishment for me.

I think I'm going to label this story a slow burn because of what a bad writer I am and it takes a while for me to make something I'm happy with. And school is starting in n less than two days!! Where the heck did summer go?!? Well I'm tired and hungry. There is food I plan to eat.

Signing off,
The Winged Miskit

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