Uncomfortable Binging

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It was not the most ideal way to be introduced to someone. Dragged away unexpectedly for an uncomfortable session of watching scratchy anime disc, in a language you didn't speak, the dubbing clearly not matching the situation at some points. But I could see where you would totally fangirl over a character, drawn in a pink flowery back round with sparkles and blush, and some jokes that I could laugh at. Other than that I simply looked around, and that's when I noticed Alphys. It's not like I didn't process her presence, but it was almost as if I could feel uneasiness sweating off her.

But she kept glancing at me from the corner of her eyes, observing, taking mental notes. It was... Unsettling. But understandable. I mean if I had never met a monster and my friend brought one home, it's not like I would be normal about it. Though looking back I wasn't to adverse about Mom, nor the skeleton behind the door.

And there it was again. Glancing slightly towards Alphys, I only just caught her flinging her head back towards the tv. I sighed as the credits rolled and I looked towards the clock. I slightly tugged on Undynes shirt, her in a middle of a nyah for the episode she was excited about. She immediately turned to me and demanded,"HOW ACCURATE WAS THAT. ITS REAL RIGHT?"

I sat there dumb founded and tried to think of what to say. "Well... I'm not sure everyone has lazers and spaceships, but there are spaceships that the government has, and I'm sure lazers are being weaponized." She stared at me, her one eye piercing my being, leaving me feel as though she might blow up at any second. And I was right.


"Please d-don't break the couch again unDYNE!"

Alphys was suddenly lifted up from her spot as Undyne danced around.
With one laughing and one crying for dear life, I watched in suddle amusement. I glanced at my phone, no missed calls. And it was almost dead.

I sighed, stood from my spot and cleared my throat awkwardly. Undyne stopped with Alphys pulled against her, and blushed as the taller put the smaller monster down. "U-um... I HAVE TRAINING WITH PAPYRUS BYE GUYS!"

Undyne bolted for the door. "Wait you're my-" the swish if the elevator closing cut me off. "Ride." We stood there akwardly, no it knowing what to say at first."Uhm, do you know of any hotels I can stay at near by? Preferably cheap ones?"

She jolted like I had surprised her and scrambled to find her voice. "N-n-no that's okay! You can... uhm... can stay here?" She patted her anime clothes down, " You can sleep in a s-spare room we have here b-because people stay o-o-over a l-lot and it wouldn't be a bother and we can keep watching anim-me or I-I-I, uhm," she rambled on,"I can give you a tour of the lab?" I put my hands up in a defensive manner.

"You really don't have to do that! It's okay! I have like 20g on me! I should be good." With that much I could rent the room with a twin bed and buy some cinnabunnies! Not to mention I didn't want to call Mom in front of any one. Speaking of which, I haven't tried much since getting past to waterfall. I really needed to do that, but the thought of my decreasing battery haunted me. My bag was still at the skeleton brothers house. Conditio.

"A-actually, the nearest hotel is MTT resort and it charges 200g for a room." I dead panned and let that sink in. It was waiting outside for a while. Not now Gray, stay focused. I put my hand on my chin, posing like Sherlock solving a murder. But alas, there was no murder but my budget, and I would be the one killing it if I wanted to get back to Snowdin. " You can s-s-s-, hang on a sec." Alphys was at war with her self, looking terrified of both me and every thing around her. Poor soul.

Poor soul. She had such a nice feel. I unknowingly focused on that feel. It was warm and felt like you do when you binge your favorite TV show, which she just did I supposed. But that feel drew me in, and while she composed her self, I focused on the glow. Like the glow of a tv, with a nice view from the couch. But the more you look directly at it, it begins to burn your eyes. And the screen seems to get brighter, brighter, brighter ever more until you-
"Can stay here for the night. W-we can get you to the river person t-tomorrow and-and I have extra blankets you can use and- Oh! Let's have a sleep over! We can keep watching Mewmewkissycutie and I can explain it to you an-and we can look at fanfiction!" She seemed to forget her fear as the small pads of her feet pitter pattered excitedly towards the kitchen area and past, leaving me standing there.

I guess I'm staying the night then. I waited for the lizard like monster to return, and took the opportunity to sit and try and call my mom again. Of course she didn't answer. As I sunk into the couch, pulling my feet up, in began to loose hope that she wanted to see me ever again.

No. I told myself, she loves me. She is just upset at herself. I didn't let her heal me. It hardly hurt anyways, but remembering a while back when I first fell, well healing magic just didn't settle well with me. It clearly made me sick the few times she used it on me, but no it enough for her to realize the connection. Oh well, I thought. I'll try again tomorrow.

PLEASE DONT BE MAD WITH ME!!! I know I haven't uploaded in four months, I know people have been waiting for a new chapter. But there was some stuffs that had to be taken care of. My dalmatian has malviolent (I think that's what they are called) tumors all over her body, and they were growing in her throat. She couldn't breathe or move around, we thought we were gonna loose her at one point. But with medicine and a little time, she is moving around, and even the tumors have receded a little! I think a few are choking themselves out. We can't just remove them because she has heart worms. She would bleed out and any blood transfusion would be rejected by her body. Then I have school, I'm failing chem rn. Oops. My teacher just talks about her parents and puts on videos, so I don't blame myself. Hope you enjoyed though! Thanks for the comments, they really help me keep writing, and I'll do my best to respond. I gtg since I'm in school rn, but I'll keep trying to upload! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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