Rain and Other Wizards

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Astrid's POV

We ride our ponies through a muddy forest as it begins to rain. The others all look cold, wet, and miserable. Especially Bilbo, who doesn't have a cloak. "Here, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori asks.

"It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard" Gandalf tells him.

"Are there any?" Bilbo asks.

"What?" Gandalf asks.

"Other wizards" Bilbo clarifies.

"Well I know there's Saruman the White, but are there more Gandalf?" I ask also curious.

"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, the White. Then there are the two Blue Wizards; you know, I've quite forgotten their names" he explains. I didn't know Saruman was that great, I thought he just watched over men and Isengard.

"And who is the fifth?" Bilbo and I ask him.

"Well, that would be Radagast, the Brown" Gandalf states.

"Is he a great Wizard or is he...more like you?" Bilbo asks. Gandalf looks at him slightly offended, but answers either way.

"I think he's a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East, and a good thing too, for always Evil will look to find a foothold in this world" he explains.

The rain soon stops and we arrive at a ruined farm house. "We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them" Thorin orders. I dismount Fly as the others do the same with their ponies.

"A farmer and his family used to live here" Gandalf states. I then remember something I heard about in Bree. About a family that were supposedly killed by trolls. The man of the house was a farmer.

"Oin, Gloin" Thorin calls.

"Aye" Gloin says looking over to Thorin.

"Get a fire going" Thorin tells him and he starts to do so with Oin.

"I think it wise we move on, men speak of trolls hunting in this area" I tell Thorin.

"Just rumors, nothing more" he tells me and I frown.

"We could make for the Hidden Valley" Gandalf suggests.

"I have told you already, I will not go near that place" Thorin reminds him.

"Why not?" I ask confused.

"The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice" Gandalf tells Thorin.

"I do not need their advice" Thorin states.

"Why are you so against going to them for help?" I ask and ignored.

"We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us" Gandalf tries to convince Thorin. I just walk away knowing neither would listen to me. It seems to end badly as Gandalf stomps his foot and walks over to his horse.

"Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?" Bilbo asks.

"To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense" Gandalf tells him as he mounts his horse.

"Who's that?" Bilbo and I ask him curious.

"Myself, Mr. Baggins and Miss Took! I've had enough of dwarves for one day" Gandalf states before leaving.

"Come on, Bombur, we're hungry" Thorin calls.

"Is he coming back?" Bilbo asks Balin and I. Balin looks unsure and I just shrug. I go to help Bombur and Bofur prepare dinner.


Picture above of Thorin and Gandalf in the ruined farmhouse. Sorry it's shorter then usual, the next chapter there will be trolls.

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