Orc and Dragon Attack

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Astrid's POV

We're still waiting for Bofur to return. The dragon had been awoken, but has not arrived yet. Bard left with his black arrow to go slay it if it threatens the town. But he to has not returned. "Astrid" Fili says breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yes, what is it?" I ask him as I stop sharpening my axe.

"We dwarves have a tradition, to show what woman is being courted" he states.

"I know you tend to each others weapons, what else is there?" I ask him curious.

"We braid our ones hair and place one of our beads into it. I'd like to do it with you" he explains.

"I'd like that" I tell him smiling. I sit still as he takes some of my hair. He starts to do a single strand braid. Once he was done, he placed one of his beads on the end. I smile and kiss him tenderly. He smiles holding me close.

Our moment is ruined though by Sigrid's scream

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Our moment is ruined though by Sigrid's scream. I grab my sharpen axe as Fili grabs my dad's. Orc's start to enter the house and I kill the one that scared Sigrid. "Get your brother and sister, and hide" I order her. She nods her head and runs over to her younger siblings. As the dwarves and I start to fight the orcs.

Fili and I go back to back protecting the table the kids are under. Tilda pops out and throws a plate at an orc. "Get down!" Sigrid shouts pulling her down. I notice an orc heading towards Kili and snarl. No one will hurt my future brother in law.

So I rush it and cut it's head off. Just then another orc appears on the balcony. Tauriel appears and stabs it in the throat with her knife. She retrieves her knife and enters the house. And starts to kill the other orcs.

I go back to Fili's side as Legolas appears from the roof, killing orcs left and right. I see Tauriel throw her knife and it plunges into the Orc's throat. I smirk, she can fight. Maybe she'll spar with me once this is over. "Get down!" Fili yells pulling Bain down.

But then, we hear Kili howling in pain. Fili, Tauriel and I look at him in worry. Before going back to fighting. Soon the orcs fall back and there are none left on the house. "You killed them all" Bain says.

"There are others. Tauriel, come" Legolas instructs heading for the door. But Tauriel looks at Kili who is being examined by Oin.

"We're losing him" Oin says and I go to him with Fili.

"Tauriel" Legolas says. He looks at her for a moment and then walks out the door. She stands there looking torn and we hear someone approaching. I grab my bloodied axe as Tauriel grabs her knives. But Bofur enters the house with the kingsfoil.

Tauriel takes the leaves from a stunned Bofur. "Athelas" she says.

"What are you doing...?" Bofur asks her.

"I'm going to save" she states. "Hold him down" she instructs. Fili, Bofur and I do so as she examines the wound. She puts soaked kingsfoil on the wound and begin to chants in Elvish. Kili screams and thrashes in pain, and Sigrid jumps in to help hold him down. As he thrashes. He soon calms down as she finishes chanting and wraps his wound with a clean bandage.

"I've heard tell of the wonders of elvish medicine. That was a privilege to witness" Oin says.

"He'll be ok now Fili" I say smiling and he smiles back hugging me. Suddenly we hear the roar of a dragon. Looking out the window we see a flash of fire from Erebor and a dark figure approaching the town.

"We have to leave" Tauriel states.

"Come on, brother. Come on, come on, let's go" Fili says getting Kili up supporting him.

"I'm fine, I can walk" Kili says. But Fili still supports him.

"Time to go kids" I tell Bard's children.

"We're not leaving, not without our father" Bain states.

"If you stay here, your sisters will die" Tauriel tells him.

"Is that what your father would want?" I ask him gently. He shakes his head. So we herd everyone to Bard's barge. We start to row off as the dragon appears. I gulp and Fili grabs my hand pulling me close. Suddenly a bigger boat rams into ours and I scream.

Fili pulls me onto his lap shushing me. "Look out!" Bofur shouts at the other boat. I hear the master shouting at people to row faster. I glare at him from my spot.

"Da!" Bain and Tilda shout looking at a tower. I look up to see Bard shooting at the dragon with normal arrows. As the town burns around him and us.

"He hit it! He hit the dragon!" Kili shouts.

"No" I say shaking my head.

"He did, he hit its mark, I saw!" he exclaims.

"These arrows cannot pierce its hide. I fear nothing will" Tauriel states. Suddenly Bain grabs a hook and swings off the boat.

"What are you doing?" Bofur demands.

"Come back!" Fili shouts.

"Bain, come back!" I shout.

"Bain" his sisters shout.

"Leave him! We cannot go back" Tauriel states. I hug Tilda who cries.

"It's ok, I promise you will see him again" I assure her. Though I do not know if she will see her brother or father again. Suddenly I hear the dragon yell in pain as the light leaves his body. He plummets to the ground he lands straight on top of the Master's boat crushing him and his gold. "Your father did it, he slayed the dragon" I tell Tilda who gives me a teary smile.

We reach the shore and get out of the boat. Tauriel takes the kids to look for their father and brother. As the dwarves and I gather some supplies to go to the mountain. I'm worried about my cousin and the others. What if they're hurt? What if one of them died?

"Hey, it'll be ok"  Fili assures me. "Bilbo and the others are fine, I know it" he tells me. I smile and hug him tightly. Soon Tauriel reappears alone.

"They found their brother and father, both are alive" she tells me.

"Thank you Tauriel, we'd be dead without you" I tell her smiling. Kili then pulls her aside to talk to her. While Fili helps me into the boat and sits beside me.


Picture in chapter of the court braid and Fili's bead.

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