Entering the Mountain

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Astrid's POV

I walk up as the sun began to raise with a headache and sore in between my legs. I groan and open my eyes. I come face to face with Fili and blush realizing we're both naked. And what we must of done last night. I got out of his arms slowly then the bed. I quickly put on my elf clothes and he soon wakes up.

I keep my back turned so that he can dress. "I'm sorry about last night" he says gently.

"I don't regret what we did, only that I don't remember it" I tell him.

"Next time, we'll not be drunk" he assures me while holding me close.

"Sounds good, we should go. We don't want to be late" I state handing him my father's axe. I grab mine and we left the room. We meant the others in the main canal where a boat has been prepared with supplies for us.

"You do know we're one short, where's Bofur?" Bilbo asks out loud.

"If he's not here, we leave him behind" Thorin states.

"But..." I start to say.

"We have to, if we're to find the door before nightfall. We can risk no more delays" Balin tells me. We all begin to board the boat. But Thorin stops Kili from boarding after Fili and I.

"Not you. We must travel with speed, you will slow us down" he states.

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you" Kili tells him.

"No" Thorin says firmly.

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin" Kili states. Thorin smiles placing a hand on Kili's shoulder

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed" he tells him. But Kili looks shocked and betrayed. Oin gets off of the boat.

"I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded" Oin states. He begins to examine Kili.

"Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can't take that away from him!" Fili shouts.

"Fili..." Thorin goes to say.

"I will carry him, if I must!" Fili exclaims.

"One day you will be king, and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin" Thorin tells him. Fili looks between me and Kili. Then steps off the boat and I look at him torn. Do I stay with him or go with my cousin?

"Go with him Astrid" Bilbo tells me quietly. "I'll be ok, we'll see each other after the dragon is dead" he assures me. I smile and hug him tightly. Then jump off the boat and run over to Fili. He smiles wrapping an arm around my waist. The others leave as Bofur appears beside us.

"So you missed the boat as well?" he asks us. But none of us answers as Kili falls. Luckily Fili let go of me and caught him. With Bofur's help they support Kili in between them. The others wanted to go to the master for help. But I convinced them to go to Bard instead.

He opens the door and sees us. "No. I'm done with dwarves. Go away" he tells us. He goes to close the door but I block it with the hilt of my axe.

"No one will help us; Kili's sick. He's very sick" I tell him. Bard sees Kili being supported by Bofur and Fili. "Please help us" I plead. He lets us in. We lay Kili on a bed as Oin examines him. Bofur fills a bowl with hot water and rushes to him.

"Can you not do something?" Fili asks Oin.

"I need herbs, something to bring down his fever" Oin states. Bard searches through his bag of medicines. He didn't have the herb Oin wanted. "Do you have Kingsfoil?" he asks.

"No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs" Bard states.

"Pigs? Weed? Right" Bofur says. "Don't move" he tells Kili before running out the door. I dab Kili's forehead with a clothes. He's sweating a lot. I notice Fili go to the other room and follow him. Leaving Kili in Oin's care.

"Fili?" I ask placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't lose him Astrid, I promised mum to keep him out of trouble" he states.

"Don't worry, Bofur will return with the kingsfoil and Oin will heal Kili. Then we'll rejoin the others at the mountain" I assure him. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close.

"Thank you Astrid" he says. "I know we only began courting, but you're giving me strength now. I'm sorry you had to leave Bilbo" he states.

"He has his own job to do and we'll be reunited soon enough" I remind him.

"I'm still grateful you're here, I'd be losing it if you weren't" he states. "Astrid when this is all over. Would you stay in Erebor?" he asks me.

"I don't know Fili, if what Thranduil said was true about the approaching darkness. The Shire will need it's protector. It's my duty to defend them" I tell him.

"I'm sure Thorin could organize a protection squad for the Shire" he tells me.

"Even so, the Shire will need a familiar face to reassure them. Would you come and live in the Shire with me?" I ask him. "We could protect it together, get our own hole and marry" I tell him.

"I'll think about it" he assures me. We then return to check on Kili and Oin. Bofur is still not back with the Kingsfoil, hopefully he returns soon.


Picture above of Oin examining Kili's leg wound and picture on the external link of them, Fili & Bofur.

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