Fili's Death

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Astrid's POV

The dwarves attack the orcs first, quickly followed by the elves. I smile, glad they are working together. To defeat a common enemy. I stay with Gandalf and Bilbo.

"Uh Astrid, Gandalf, is this a good place to stand?" Bilbo asks us. We don't answer as we watch the battle. I notice half a the orcs split off and head for Dale.  I point this out to Gandalf.

"Azog. He’s trying to cut us off" Gandalf states.

"All you, fall back to Dale! Now!" Bard shouts to his men.

"To the city!" I shout. Gandalf, Bilbo and I go with the men and elves to the city. "Stay close Bilbo" I tell him. He nods his heaf drawing his sword Sting. Staying close to Gandalf, the three of us join the fight. Killing orcs left and right.

Suddenly we hear a horn from the mountain and tutn to see the company join the fight. "The dwarves are rallying" Bilbo states.

"They're rallying to their king" Gandalf states and I grin.

"Any man who wants to give their last, follow me!" Bard shouts. Bilbo, Gandalf and I join the men.

"We may yet survive this" Gandalf states.

"We have to" I tell him.

"Astrid, Gandalf!" Bilbo shouts. We look at him and he points to the mountain. "It's Thorin" he states.

"And Fili and Kili…and Dwalin. He’s taking his best warriors" I state.

"To do what?" Bilbo asks.

"To cut the head off the snake" Gandalf answers. I freeze Azog. Just then Legolas and Tauriel appear beside us on horse back.

"Gandalf" Legolas says as they dismount the horse.

"Legolas. Legolas Greenleaf" Gandalf says in greeting.

"There is a second army. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us" Legolas states.

"Gundabad? Ahh. This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the north" Gandalf states. North, Ravenhill!

I take off running for it. That's where Fili and the others are. Hang on Fili, I am coming. "Astrid!" Bilbo shouts. I ignore him as I continue to run. Dodging swords and arrows along the way.

As I near Ravenhill someone grabs my hand and I turn to behead them. But I stop when I saw Bilbo. "Go back to Gandalf" I tell him.

"No, you're my little cousin. I won't let you face this battle alone. Family stick together" he tells me. Knowing I can't change his mind. I hug him.

"Just stay close and keep your head low" I tell him. He nods his head and we hold hands. We take off the rest of the way to Ravenhill.

When we arrive we find Thorin and Dwalin surrounded by dead goblins. "Thorin/Dwalin!" Bilbo and I shout.

"Bilbo, Astrid!" Thorin shouts in surprise.

"You have to leave here, now" Bilbo stresses.

"Where are Fili and Kili?" I ask Thorn worried.

"Azog has another army, attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded, there’ll be no way out" Bilbo explains.

"We are so close. That Orc scum is in there. I say we push on" Dwalin states.

"No! That’s what he wants. He wants to draw us in. This is a trap" Thorin tells him. "Find Fili and Kili, call them back" he states.

"Are you sure about this Thorin?" Dwalin asks him.

"Do it. We live to fight another day" Thorin states. Suddenly they hear a noise coming from the towers, Azog then appears holding Fili.

"Fili!" I shout in horror and go to run forward. But Dwalin holds me back.

"Go run!" Fili yells at us. I shake my head as my vision is clouded by tears. Azog says something in black speech as he impales Fili.

"No!" I scream as he drops Fili. I break free of Dwalin and run over to Fili's body. As Thorin, Kili and Dwalin go after Azog. "Fili" I cry as I lay his head on my lap.

"As-astrid" he says weakly and cough ups blood.

"Shh, save your strength. You're going to make it, we'll get you to Oin. He'll heal you and we can marry. Have the family we talked about " I tell him.

"Here, I lo-ove you" he says placing something in my hand. I look to see two beads, the ones I'd designed for Fili and I. I kiss him and look into his eyes.

"I love you with all my heart, please don't leave me" I whimper. But he doesn't respond and I notice his chest had stopped moving. "No, Fili!" I wail shaking him.

I hear someone kill something behind me. I turn to see Dwalin. "On your feet, don't give up your without a fight" he tells me handind me my father's axe. I grip it tightly feeling new strength flow through me.

"Lets end this" I tell him as I stand up. He nods his head. We chrage into tue gang of goblins fighting back to back.

Soon the others join us and we finish off the goblins. We notice the orcs leaving. "Thorin must of defeated Azog" Balin states. I nod and return to Fili's side.

"Oh lassie" Gloin says as he kneels down beside me.

"I can't believe he's gone" I say quietly.

"He'll be with you always in here" he says pointingto my heart.

"We were to marry and start a family, after this" I tell him.

"I'm sure you would of had beautiful children, true warriors like their parents" he tells me.

"Thank Gloin, I hope I can meet your boy one day" I tell him.

"He'd love to meet you, he has heard stories of your grandfather" he states.

"I loved all the stories he'd tell" I state. We pick him up and rejoin the others to see both Thorin & Kili are dead also. Bilbo walkd over and hugs me after we laid Fili down.

"I'm sorry for your lose Astrid" he tells me.

"At least he didn't die in vain and he has the other two" I state. I guess Azog did what he had always intended to do. He wiped up the Durin bloodline.


Picture above of dead Fili.

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