Choosing Aside

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Astrid's POV

"You ok Astrid?" Fili asks me as we lay in bed.

"I just feel like something is going to happen today. That will separate me from you" I tell him.

"What?" Filo askd.

"I don't know, but I feel like it involves Bilbo. Just know I love you even if we separate for awhile" I tell him smiling.

"As I love you" he states. "When this is over we'll marry" he adds.

"I like that idea" I tell him smiling. "We should rejoin the others and see what's happening with the elves" I state. He agrees and we get out of bed. Getting dressed and meet the others in the armoury. Where Thorin is giving Bilbo a mithril shirt

"There you two are, here you go Astrid" Thorin says handing me my own mithril shirt. "Consider this a welcome to the family gift" he says smiling. "Go change" he says pointing to a closed off section. I smile in gratitude and go change.

"I look absurd. I’m not a warrior like Astrid, I’m a Baggins" I hear Bilbo state. I take off my dress and put on my new fighting clothes, with the mithril shirt underneath. I then join the others on top of the gate over looking Dale.

Thorim stringed an arrow and fired it. The arrow landing in front of Thranduil's elk. "I will put the next one between your eyes" Thorin tells him.

The dwarves cheer for Thorin. When Thranduil indicates to his Elf army to aim their arrows at us. We hide behind the stone wall, Thranduil then indicates for his army to stand down. We stabd back up except for Thorin, who had not ducked.

"We’ve come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered and accepted" Thranduil states. I give a side glance to Bilbo. What had he done?

"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing" Thorin states. Bard puts his hand in his jacket withdraeing a shining stone.

"We have this" he announces holding it up.

"They have the Arkenstone. Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the king!" Kili shouts.

"The King may have it, with our good will" Bard assures us. He puts the stone back into his pocket. "But first he must honor his word" he states.

"They’re taking us for fools. This is a ruse, and a filthy lie. The Arkenstone is in this Mountain, it is a trick!" Thorin shouts.

"I-it’s no trick. The stone is real. I gave it to them" Bilbo states. We all look at him and I worry for his safety. "I took it as my 14th share" he tells us.

"You'd steal from me?" Thorin demands.

"Steel from you? No, no. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I’m an honest one. I’m willing to let it stand against my claim" Bilbo states.

"Against your claim?" Thorin asks with a chuckle. "Your claim? You have no claim over me, you miserable rat!" He shouts. I get in front of Bilbo axe at the ready.

"I was hoing to give it to you, many times I wanted to. But..." Bilbo trails off.

"But what?" Thorin demands.

"You have changed Thorin" I state and Bilbo nods his head in agreement.

"The Dwarf we met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word. Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin" Bilbo adds.

"Do speak to me of loyalty" Thorin snaps. "Throw him off thr rampart " he orders his men. But they don't move as I glare at Thorin. "I will do it myself" he growls.

"You won't lay a hand on my cousin" I  sneer.

"Cursed be the wizard that forced you both on this company!" Thorin snaps.

"If you don’t like my burglar, then please don’t damage him. Return him and his cousin to me. You’re not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain, are you, *Thorin, son of Thrain?" Gandalf asks.

Bilbo goes over the wall first down a rope. I give Fili a longing sorry look and follow my cousin. Once I reached the ground we go stand by Gandalf.

"Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised?" Bard asks Thorin. "Give us your answer, will you have peace or war?" he asks.

Just as Thorin’s about to decide a black raven lands in front of him. "I will have war" he declares. Just the an army of dwarves appear. The leader on the back of a goat.

Thranduil commands his army of Elves to march towards the Dwarf army and they do so. "Who is that? He doesn't look very happy" Bilbo asks Gandalf.

"It is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. Thorin’s cousin" Gandalf answers.

"Are they alike?" I ask him.

"I’ve always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two" he states and I groan.

"Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider, just sodding off? All of you, right now" Dain demands.

"Come now Lord Dain" Gandalf says calmly.

"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I’ll water the ground with their blood" Dain tells him.

"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain. Stand your army down" Gandalf tells him. Great, another problem. At least Fili sharpen my axe and gave me a few of his throwing knives. And that I am dressed for combat.

"I will not stand down before any Elf. Not least this faithless woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I’ll split his pretty head open! See if he’s still smirking then" Dain says.

"He is clearly mad, like his cousin" Thranduil states.

"You hear that, lads? We’re on! Let’s give these bastards a good hammering!"  Dain shouts. The dwarves cheer in agreement. Suddenly a massive worm-like creature bursts through one of the mountains before being joined by other were-worms. Looks like the orcs arrived.

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