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Astrid's POV

We reached the Woodland Realm, known as Mirkwood and dismounted the ponies. We released them so that they would return to Beorn. But Gandalf didn't he said there was something he needed to do. He told us to stay on the path and that he'd meet us at the overlook. Once he left Thorin lead us into the forest.

We reached a broken bridge. Bilbo and I crossed the river first on the strong vines. The others soon followed and we continued on our quest. But now we've lost the path. I seethe my axe and grab Bilbo's attention. I point to the trees and he nods his head in understanding. We both start to climb the tree in hopes we'll get our bearings.

Soon we reached the top and it is as if a spell has been broken. Blue butterflies flew around us as we breath in the fresh air. We look in the distance and see the lonely mountain, then smile at each other.

"We can see a lake! And a river!" I call to the dwarves.

"And the Lonely Mountain. We're almost there!" Bilbo adds. But neither of us get a reply and look at each other confused. "Can they hear us?" he asks me and I shrug. We start to climb down and notice the others have disappeared.

I grab my axe and Bilbo grabs his sword as we see the web he'd plucked before moving. Suddenly a giant spider. We shout and fall on to a large web. We try to move but are stuck. The spider wraps us up in a cocoon. I grab my knife and start to cut through the web as an other spider approaches my cousin.

Just as the spider bends toward him, he manages to plunge his sword through the web, and into the spider. He gutted it and through it over the side of the web as I finally break myself free. I then notice the others in a similar position. Bilbo and I hide behind a tree trunk.

I come up with a plan and turn to tell Bilbo. But he's disappeared. Suddenly start to die and I take action starting to set the others free. "Here!" Bilbo shouts and I turn to see him appear from thing air. He stabs a spider with his sword. "It stings! Stings! Sting. That's a good name" he declares and I smile.

He helps me cut down the rest of the cocooned dwarves. We then continue to kill spiders as the dwarves free themselves. "Where's Astrid?" Fili shouts as Bofur asks where Bilbo is.

"We're up here!" we call suddenly a spider jumps on me pinning me. Making me drop my axe.

"Astrid!" the dwarves shout. But luckily Bilbo kills it and it falls from the tree taking us with it. I push the dead spider off of me and stand up. I see the dwarves pull the legs off of a spider. The dismembered body of the spider lands on Bombur. Who push it off and I start to look for my axe.

"Where is it?" I ask myself as I look around for my axe. As the dwarves continue to fight the spiders as Bilbo to seems to be looking for something also. The dwarves managed to defeat the spiders and Fili runs over to me.

"What's wrong Astrid?" he asks me.

"I lost my axe" I tell him. He looks around.

"Its over there" he tells me and walks over to it. He picks it up and brings it back  to me. "Here" he says and I take it holding it close. I go to thank him when more spiders appear. I raise my axe and join in on the fight. A blonde Elf, Legolas, runs through the treetops, then swings down a spider's silk in order to land on it and kill it. He slides on the forest floor under the spider facing Thorin, slicing it in half, and comes up kneeling with an arrow knocked in his bow and pointed at Thorin. Several other Mirkwood elves appear, drawing arrows and pointing them at us.

 Several other Mirkwood elves appear, drawing arrows and pointing them at us

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"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure" the blonde elf tells him. We suddenly hear Kili call for help and I slip past the elves. I swing my around and behead the spider before it can hurt Kili.

"You ok?" I ask as I help him up. He nods his head and we're grabbed by a red haired female elf. She drags us over to the others and the blonde tells the elves to search us. I'm so glad she searched me and not one of the male elves. "Please don't lose them, they are very important to me" I tell her as she takes my axes.

She nods her head and we are all lead by the elves. "Astrid, where's Bilbo?" Bofur asks me.

"Bilbo?" I say and look around to notice he's not with us. "Bilbo!" I shout and go to look for him but the blonde elf grabs me. "Let me go! I have to find my cousin!" I shout but he doesn't let  go. Just carries me. Once we passed through a set of gates and they closed he put me down. But keeps a grip on my arm as I try not to cry. We'd left my cousin out there alone, what if there are more spiders?

He sends the others to the dungeons. But leads Thorin and I to the throne room. Where an other blonde elf with a branch crown sat on a throne. Then leaves us with the elf king. "Don't say a word" Thorin tells me and I nod my head.

"Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand. A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon. I myself suspect a more prosaic motive: attempted burglary, or something of that ilk" the king says as he approaches us. "You have found a way in. You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule: the King's Jewel, the Arkenstone. It is precious to you beyond measure. I understand that. There are gems in the mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help" he states.

"I am listening" Thorin tells him.

"I will let you go, if you but return what is mine" the king tells him. Honestly I feel like I'm invisible. So I take the time to study the room ignoring their conversation. Until Thorin shouts.

"I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, to honor his word should the end of all days be upon us! You lack all honor! I've seen how you treat your friends. We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. You turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us!" he shouts. "Imrid amrad ursul!" he says in dwarfish. (Translation: Die a death of flames!)

Thranduil leaps forward and puts his face right in front of Thorin's. "Do not talk to me of dragon fire. I know its wrath and ruin. I have faced the great serpents of the north" he tells him. As he spoke burns and scars appear. His left eye is milky and unseeing. He draws away, and his face returns to normal.

"I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon, but he would not listen" he states as he returns to his throne. "You are just like him" he adds as he sits down. He motions for the guards to come forward and they grab Thorin. "Stay here if you will, and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I am patient. I can wait" he tells Thorin as he is dragged away. Once he'd left the room Thranduil turns to me.


Picture above of the company reaching Mirkwood and in chapter of Tauriel & Legolas. Picture on the external link of King Thranduil.

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