Chapter Four

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Next Week Zayn's POV

It was lunch. I knew I had to find Emily's friend Anabell. I really liked her friend and she had to know that. Hopefully Emily hasn't told her anything. I had to find her before lunch was over. I looked over the whole school. I was pretty familiar with the school now so I knew I wasn't going to get lost. Finally I spotted her and YES!!! she wasn't with Emily. Wait then where would Emily be? Oh well it didn't matter at the moment. I ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.



"I need to talk to you"

"I'm not sure if I should be talking to you. Emily warned me you were bad news."

Great so she did talk about me to her. Well there was no turning back now.

"I'm not bad news. She just wouldn't let me explain myself. Can we go somewhere more private?"

"I guess"

We walked out to the track. Nobody ever used it anyways so it was pretty quiet until Anabell broke the silence.

"So what did you have to tell me that was so important?"

"I needed to talk to you about Emily."

"What exactly about her."

"Well has she told you that I ditched her last week"

"Yeah she's still pretty upset about it."

"Um yeah about that I didn't exactly ditch her."

"Then what happened"

"I had a docters appointment that I totally forgot about. I know it sounds pretty dumb but its true. I should've told her. Now she will never like me back the way that I like her."

Did I really just say that last sentence out loud? And before I knew it Anabell was standing next to me screaming her lungs out.


I kinda blushed. Since she was screaming like a little school girl I had to tell her.

"Yeah I do. Why does she like me back?"

"Your the only thing that she talks about. It kinda broke her heart when you ditched her."

"Well do you believe me when I say I had a docters appointment?"

" Yeah I do actually. Everyone makes mistakes. That was a very simple thing to forget about. I'm surprised she wouldn't even think about that being a reason why you didn't show up."

"Do you think she would forgive me?"

"Yes but she went home early so I will text her later tonight."

"Okay thanks I'm glad I went to you about this. I know you to are close friends."

And with that the bell rang for six period and I felt a lot better about this whole situation.

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