Chapter Nineteen

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Zayn's POV

I was laying on my bed eating popcorn watching TV when my phone vibrated. I haven't been getting any calls or messages from that unknown number in about a week or so. When I picked up my phone I realized it was from that number again only this time it wasn't a death threat only a cry out for help, and it read :

Hey Zayn this is Izzy and Emily we are captured and being brutally beaten by my father I have no time to explain please make it here ASAP ~ 2214 Redwood ave

I reread the message over and over again hoping it wasn't true. I opened up Google and searched up the address. The house was over 100 miles away from where I lived. At least it was a Friday so I packed my stuff and was going to be leaving  tomorrow morning.

The next day

I put my stuff in the car the second I woke up. Since it was going to be a long drive I stop by a fast food place. The drive was extremely boring but my mind went crazy searching for answers. Where the girls okay? Are they being abused right now? What if they died last night? Or what if this was all a joke? Things didn't seem to be okay. They wouldn't play me like that would they?

On the drive there I kept receiving messages like hurry, when are you going to get here, he's beating her now and lots of pictures of Emily and Izzy beaten badly. These texts made me upset and pissed off. I at least ran ten red lights and gotten pulled over twice.

I was half way there and got another text. Annabell has been caught and already raped. I need to get there fast. I text back that I was almost there and she replyed to bring weapons as if I didn't already know. I throw my phone down next to me in the passenger seat and drove faster.

I was just around the corner from the house when I heard screaming. I pulled over away enough so Izzy's father couldn't see my car and grabbed my bat and cell phone. I sneaked my way towards the back of the house. I called the police, told them the address and hung up. Gripping the bat in my hang I break down the door.

"What the fuck!"

A tall man was standing right in front of me, most likely Izzy's father. I hit the bat over his head before he took a swing on me. He fell to the ground but I felt a tug on my leg. Both of us on the ground I got socked in the face. With my bat nowhere in sight I felt useless. The punches became harder. I tried to fight back but he was like thirty. How the fuck was I going to beat up someone older and taller than me. And then before I knew it I woke up sitting in a chair tied up.


I know this chapter is short but I'm on vacation and super busy so I don't really have time to update so I hope this chapter went well. ♥♥♥

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