Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up in a dark room covered in cigarette smoke. My body was in pain but the worst part was the black eye that had formed since I got hit. I didn't have a clue on where I was and it didn't seem to be my house. I sat there in silence thinking of all the worst case scenarios that could happen but then I soon fell back asleep.

The light was shining in my eyes. I woke up in a bedroom, but something wasn't quite right. I looked out the window and seen nothing but acres of land. Not a single other building in sight. I looked down at my body now that I had some light. Both legs were covered in nothing but blue and purple spots and the same went for my arms. There were also cuts along my thighs and wrists.

I turned around to check out the rest of the room. It looked pretty original. There was a dresser with a mirror against the wall and the bed that I had laid on. I looked under the bed to find a hand gun. That should come in handy. I also found rope that was tied around the edges of the bed in each corner. Guess I was raped more then once. I undid the rope and through it into the closet. But when I opened the door I found another girl.


I didn't get no answer from her. She looked around 16 but I couldn't see her face because it was covered in hair. I checked for a pulse, and found one. Good she was still alive. I shook her for a few more minutes and still nothing. Her body was beat up like mine and was in nothing but underwear.

"I see you have found a friend"

I heard a British accent coming from behind me. My whole body went into shock. I couldn't move a muscle if my life depended on it. Everything in the room was completely silent. The footsteps from behind me got closer and before I knew it, I was out cold once again.

Girl In The Closet POV

Waking up was really hard. The closet I had been thrown into was completely dark. Looking through the cracks I found someone else laying on the bed. She had brown hair and looked kinda familiar. She turned over. I knew her! Um her name was... Emily! Yeah that's it. I've never been so happy in my life.

I opened the closet quietly careful not to disturb father. He gets very angry when I mess with his visitors. I tapped on her shoulder and she awoke instantly.


She looked at me and gave me the biggest hug ever. I assured her it was going to be okay. The door began to open and I flew back into the closet.

Harry's POV

I walked into the bedroom. Everything looked pretty normal. I looked around some more. Emily was laying on the bed awake staring at me with terrified eyes. I sat on the bed next to her touching her cheek softly.

"Oh sweetie, if only you knew."

Standing up I noticed the closet was slightly opened. I walked over, opening the closet door. My daughter looked up at me. I took her hand and pulled her up.

"Izzy why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself to your new friend."

Izzy didn't speak. She didn't move a muscle. I pushed her onto the bed.

"I said introduce yourself or your not eating tonight and extra punishment."

She looked over at Emily. Her voice barely at a whisper.

"Hi I'm Izzy."

"louder now"

"Hi I'm Izzy"

"Much better. Now Emily where are your manners say hi back"

"Hello my name is Emily. Its nice to meet you."

"Great! Perfect actually. Now come downstairs and take a shower."

Emily's POV

Me and Izzy followed Harry downstairs and towards the bathroom.

"Both of you get in now"

Harry's voice yelled at us. We got undressed as he turned on the shower and grabbed a video camera. We both got in as we let the water hit our bare bodies. Harry turned on the camera and started recording. He spoke to us looking through the camera.

"Touch each other now!"

We obeyed rubbing each others bodies with soap bars.

"Now rinse off one at a time."

Izzy went first while I sat there covering my body as much as I could. She finished and let me go. I finished as fast as I could while she was washing her hair. Then she had to get back under the water to wash the shampoo out of her hair while I washed mine out.

Once we were finished the dirt and oil was completly off our bodies. Harry being the sick fuck he is made us dry each other off while he video taped us.

We had to be locked back up in the bedroom while Harry made dinner. We walked back and forth across the room thinking of a way to get out of here.

"He is so sick minded. He can't keep us here forever"

"Don't talk about him like that he's my father"


"Yes my father. That's why I didnt want to talk about my home life when I met you"

"Oh my God. I am so sorry Izzy. I had no idea. How long as he been doing all of this?"

"Well he started with me when I was about 5 years old. The bruising didn't start until I was 7 when I disobeyed him. Then he took my virginity the day I turned 11. Decided I wasn't good enough for him anymore so he started dating women with children. Beat the women almost to death then move on to the child, and its been that way ever since."

I pulled her in for a hug. We sat there crying for a good twenty minutes until the door swang open.

"Go eat before I change my mind"

We got up and headed to the kitchen.

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