Chapter Fourteen

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*Beep Beep Beep*


My alarm clock had woke me up. I was not anything close to being ready for school. Fuck it! Lazy day.

After putting my hair into a ponytail I put on some jeans and a large sweater that hung just below my bottom. While running downstairs I put on some boots and grabbed an apple and my keys.

I got there just before the bell to first period rang. Health class, what joy! After writing down study notes I just sat there zoning out. Health was really boring and wasn't much to do.

By the time second period rolled around I got dressed for pe. We got a new girl. She was pretty cute. Tall, brown hair and brown eyes. A couple freckles below her eyes. She was wearing white and black adidas with skinny jean khakis and a black shirt. Not my style but it was cute.

Once we got outside the late bell had already rang and the new girl had to sit by the one and only Zayn Malik! He was checking her out. Players now a days. I turned my attention away from them and towards my friends. We joked around like normal until the teacher told us to shut up.

Zayn's POV

Pe had rolled around. Once finished getting dressed and sitting outside I seen a new girl. She was hot. The teacher told her to sit next to me and I began to grow nervous.

"Hi my name is Zayn"


"That's a beautiful name"

"Thank you, I love your eyes"


"your welcome"

She looked back to the teacher.

"So how do you like it here so far?" I whispered making sure not to get in trouble.

"Um its a bit confusing" She whispered back.

"It will get better"


I looked around stretching my back when I seen Emily mean mugging me. What did I do this time. She looked back towards me once in a while throughout the period. Shit! Now I remember. The party.I said hi to her. Did she think I wanted her back or something. I mean yeah I do. I miss her so fucking much. There I said it! But I don't do take backs. Its one and done if something goes wrong during that time then you shouldn't have screwed up. I know I seem mean due to the saying everyone deserves second chances. But not everyone.

Emily's POV

As I passed through the rest of my classes I noticed that the new girl was in four of my classes. Her name was Izzy. And was my partner for two of my classes. She was really funny so I invited her to sit with me at lunch.

Since I had Lizzy for math, we just walked to lunch together. After waiting in line which seemed like forever we finally got to my table. My friends were already sitting there.

"Are you sure I can sit with you?"

"Of course they're not mean"


We got to the table after our talk. She seemed nervous but she can deal with it.

"Guys this is Lizzy"


I laughed. They always did that whenever I introduce them to someone new. It was sorta like a tradition. We learned a lot about her but she didn't want to talk about her home life. It was kinda strange but it was whatever. The rest of the day turned out okay until I got home.

After School

"Mom I'm home"

"I'm in the kitchen"

I walked into the kitchen. She seemed excited.

"Well someone's happy"

"Well I have some news"


"I met someone and were going out"

This seemed surprising. Mom didn't really get out often and when she did it was a girls night with her friends from college. Maybe she met someone at one of the bars she went to. She probably seen that I was distracted and broke the silence in the room.

"So what do you think?"

"When do I get to meet him?"

I didn't want to hurt her feeling by how I really felt about this. In reality I mean I didn't care who she dated but this didn't seem right. The rest of the day we talked about her boyfriend while I got some homework done.

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