Chapter 1

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"Alena baby girl, it's time to get up" I said while turning off her alarm. I swear she was worse than Joe in the morning. I kissed her forehead as I walked past her cherry oak dresser and opened her curtains, of course, I only received a few groans from under a blanket. I sighed as I walked back over to her bed and pulled the blankets off of her. "Alena come on. Up. Now." I said getting a little frustrated. " ugh. But dad I don't want to go to school today, can I just stay home, please?" she begged. I sighed wanting to give in but knowing I couldn't. "sweetie you know the rules, you have to go to school unless you're sick. why are you suddenly not wanting to go to school?" I asked worriedly. She's always loved school and it wasn't like her to beg not to go. I watched as she just laid there, suddenly finding the ceiling very interesting. "Babygirl, if there is something going on, I can't help unless you tell me. Just know that I'm here, okay" she nodded, but other than that I got nothing. I watched as she got out of her royal blue comforter and stood up to begin getting ready for school. "Alena." I said which caused her to look up at me. "your uncle will be picking you up from school today, I have to go back to the studio to talk plans with your grandpa." I told her. "which one?" she asked. " Uncle Nick." I answered. " okay." she said and I could almost see the disappointment in her eyes. I knew she was hoping it would be Joe, he was her favorite uncle and her his favorite niece, but in her defense, she was his only niece. I was broken out of my train of thought when I felt her pushing me out of her room. "Dad, I have to get dressed, get out." she whined as she continued to attempt to shove me out. I just chuckled. " Alright, alright. I'm going, I'm going." I said as I walked back downstairs to help Dani cook breakfast. We were making omelets with bacon and pancakes. it was simple but it was delicious. somewhere in our cooking Dani had gotten batter on her lips and frowned at it. "Here, let me help." I said as I leaned in and gently placed my lips on hers taking the batter off. We were soon interrupted by Alena walking into the kitchen. " eww. come on guys, keep it in the bedroom." she said as she made a fake face of disgust. "Aww. are you feeling left out?" I asked as I walked over and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Yuck!" she said as she attempted to rub it off. I just chuckled watching her failed attempts. Alena had gotten up to get some water and I happened to glance up at her from my coffee mug. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt with skinny jeans, and I had become concerned about it. Not only was it beyond hot outside, but we were talking about a girl who got hot vary easily and only ever wore shorts and a tank. I know I'm probably overreacting or worrying for nothing but I can't help it. do I even have something to worry about?

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