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You woke up to the darn alarm clock. Dang that is annoying. You grab your clothes and do your morning routine.(.polyvore) and drive to school ignoring Sasuke and goin straight toward your locker. You take out your books and hear." Ty!!" You turn to see itachi walking up to you." Oh hey itachi." He leaned on the lockers smiling." I knew I saw you in the hallways. Anyways since the 9th and 11th graders eat lunch together wanna eat with me?" You nod." Sure ok." He smile."Hey itachi." A grey haired guy walked up." Woah, who's the hot chick?" He asked. Itachi let out a frustrated sigh saying." Dude, she's in 9th grade." He shrugged." Doesn't bother me." He said eyeing you perverly. Itachi sweat dropped." I don't think she is interested." The grey haired guy looked at you." I agree, I'm not looking for a relationship right now especially with a pervert." Itachi laughed while the dude just stood there embarrassed." W-well I'm gonna g-go." Itachi laughed and put a hand on your shoulder." Your the first girl I've know that has said that and made Hidan studder." You nod." So that's his name." He laughed." Well I got to go bye ty." He waved walking off. You stare at his back before and hand reached out and you jumped in surprised." So that's the famous Itachi you told me about." You, now your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath." TEMARI!!!" She laughed. You nod and stood up." Yes, oh and can you tell our little posy I'm eating lunch with him today?" She nods." Of course. Sasuke gonna be jealous." You nod." Well he can kiss my ass." She laughed." Your cursed. You never curse." You look at her." Well it's true no common I have 30 seconds to get to class." She nods and walks off.
~Time skip to science~
It was so awkward sitting next to Sasuke. He sent you glares every second. You lean over to Gaara and whisper." Help me." He look at you." How?" You shrug." I dunno, but think of something quick." He nods." I got it." He whispers back and raises his hand." Excuse me orochimaru-sensi,e and ty can't see the board from here." He nods and seats you both in the front." Oh thank you Gaara!!!" He nods." Anytime."
~timeskip to lunch~ You grab your lunch from your locker and Itachi walks up to you. "Ready?" You nod." I hope you don't mind but I have a group I eat with." You shrug." I don't mind. But I might get a little shy." You shrugs." Don't worry." You follow him to a table with 9 people sitting including the pervert." Hey guys can ty sit with us?" They all turn toward you with you give a poker face with scooting behind itachi." You again." Hidan growls." The feelings mutual." You say back." Can she?" Itachi asks again." A 5th grader,un?" A blonde asks." Shut up I'm in 9th grade." You snap." Sure why not." A oranges haired guy answered." Well I'm pain, this is konan, deidara, sasori, Tobi, kasman, kakuzo, and you already know hidan and itachi." You nod." I'm tyanna, ty for short." They nod and you sit between pain and Itachi." So, ty any boyfriends lately." You shrug." Meh, one jerk cheated on me yesterday but he was a bitch anyways." She nodded." Boys will be boys." You nod. You are and talked with the rat of the group before the bell rang and you walked i your next class. Music.
~timeskip after school~
You walked to your car and getting in before a knock scared you and you looked to see itachi smiling. You rolled down the window and asked." What?!" It was more like a groan but he still chuckled." As did I scare you?" You smack his arm and he chuckled." Alright, I was wondering if I could get your number since we are friends?" You grab your phone and hand it to him and put your number in his phone." Thanks." He walks over to a awesome sports car!!! You shake your head and drive off.
Once you where home your brother wrapped his arm around your neck tightly and have you a knugy." There's my little muffin." He says." G-g-get of m-m-me." You breath out. He lets go and asks." Wanna go to the mall?" You shrug." Sure why not." You drive to the mall and walk to the food court." I'm gonna go get something." he says." By that you mean flirt with the hot girl." He nod." You caught me." You push him and go buy a soda( Root beer) once you where done you felt a tap on your shoulder." Hey, you done flirt-" once you realized it wasn't torn brother but Sasuke you stopped." Oh it's you." You say snotty." I know you miss me." He say like it's a fact." And I thought you where smart. Oh wait, I know you where stupid but not this stupid." He rolls his eyes." You get the chance to be with me again. Your pain will stop." You act, keyword ACT, flattered." Oh, I don't know what to say I-I- no." You say flatly." What? WHY?!" You shrug." Cause your a jerk." You say turning around sipping your drink. Soon a hand yanks you around where your face to face with Sasuke, your nose touching his." No one day no to ME." He states." Well ok. NO.... N-O, spells NO." His face is red and you pour your drink on his head." That's for cheating on me." You say walking off.

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