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You smile and wave." HI!!!" They wave back. (Btw marsuri is wearing a brown shirt and black skirt with black flats) you grab Itachi's hand and run toward them. All the boys surround Itachi." So your the famous Itachi uchiha." Neji says. He nods." Well there is something we should tell you." Lee says." We do this to all Ty's boyfriends." Shikamaru says." She like a sister to us." Kiba says." Break her heart......" Sai starts." Well will not hesitate to pay you a little visit." Gaara finishes." Guy relaxe." Temari says. The finback to there dates and you laugh." Sorry" you mouth." No prob." He mouths back. You smile and grab his hand." So what shall we do first?" You ask." Well we can go on the rides." You all nod." Lets save the Weel thingy for last." Hinata requests." Agreed." All the girls say. They go on the teacups. Shikamaru, temari, you, and Itachi go in one while the other go in another. You laugh as you bump into shikamaru and Temari bumps into Itachi. You then go to the sky high ride.
The a voice says." Can we please have Tyaana to the stage." You smile and kiss Itachi on the cheek." Bye." You run to the stage." Ready." Kureni asks in her red shirt and black skirt." Yes." She smile and walks to the microphone." We have a singer today. Her name is Tyanna Ty for short. She will be singing for you all." You walk out and see your friends in the front row and Sasuke on the side.
you grab your guitar and walk to the microphone." Hello, to day I will sing, uhhh rock and roll and hello kitty." You start playing and singing.(youtu) You finish and claps are heard from all around. You smile and say." Time for the second song." People cheered." Actually, I change my mind, I will sing I really don't care. It's about my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me with one of my enemys. I know she did know, Sasuke, this is for you." You say.(youtu). They all clap and you jump down. Itachi hugs you and all the girl where saying how good you where." That was awesome!!!" Temari said." Thanks, now com'on lets go have some fun." Your all around Itachi won a panda bear so he just gave it to you. When the carnival was about to close you all went to the giant weel. You and Itachi stoped and the top." Wow you can see everything from here." You say in awe. Itachi turns your head toward him and rests his forehead on your." I love you." He says. " I love you to." You say. You two kiss until the weel starts to turn. You jump off and walk toward the car. Once in you smile. "I had a fun tonight." He smiled." Same." He drove you home.
you collapsed on your bed and feel asleep right away.

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