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You groan as your alarm clock goes off. Monday. Always hated, never loved. You make our bed brush your hair and teeth and get dressed.(.polyvore)
You walk past your parents and drive to school playing best day of my life. Once there you saw Itachi leaning on the wall. You step out and once there he smiles." Wazzup?" He asks." Nothing." You say smiling wrapping your arm around his waist. His arm drops over your shoulder and you walk to your locker. You get your books out while Itachi wraps his arm around your waist." So. What class do you have first?" You smile." Science." He nods." Same." Temari walks up and smiles." Well well well, dating a senor. And your ex-boyfriends brother, wow girl your asking for it." Itachi looks at her and she puts her hand out. "Temari No Sabuka. Her best friend." He shakes it." Itachi uchiha. Her boyfriend." She smiled." Polite, kind, cute smile. I think you snagged a good one ty." She says winking at you. You blush and see Sasuke glaring at Itachi. You roll your eyes and get your books out." Well I have 50 seconds to get to class. Bye." You kiss Itachi and walk to class.
In class you worked and Gaara looked at you. " Who was that guy you kissed in the hallway?" He asked." Itachi." He raised his eyebrow." Your boyfriend." You look at him with shocked written over your face." How did you know?!" He shrugs." Your best friend is my sister." You nod." Valid point." You say writing down the homework. The bell rang and You all pack up." Just be carful ty. I don't want you to get hurt." You shrug." Don't worry, I got over Sasuke quickly and Itachi don't like him." He nods." Just be careful." He says before disappearing in the hallway. You sigh and walk towards English.
~Time skip~
Over at lunch you sat with your group while Itachi sat at his." So I heard TY, got a new boyfriend." Naruto said." Oh yeah, she did." Temari answered." Who is it?" Tenten asked. All the girls know cause of temari but non of the boys except Gaara and Kankuro know. "Maybe it's one of us?" Ino said suspiciously. All the boys look around." Who?! Who?!" Lee asked." His name is....." temari said." Itachi...." tenten said." Uchiha." Hinata finished. They look at you wide eyed." Sasuke's olde brother?!" They all scream. You nod." Yeah." They all scream again." The senor?!?!" You nod again." Congratulations you won my annoyed side." You say putting a piece of ramen in your mouth. The girls laugh while the boys are still confused." Why would you date him?" Naruto asked." Cause at first I didn't know he was his older brother. And I found out on a date, then we had a official date where he became my boyfriend and I became his girlfriend." They sit back down and the bell rings. You and Neji walk to music.
You sit in your seats and Kureni-Sensi walk out so exited." Alright class, we are having a school fair as you all know. But one of you will be a singer singing two songs. Only two because I want you to enjoy the fair. Now I already decided the singer." Kureni turned around to get the paper while Karin turn toward you." I wander who. Oh I know...ME." She said." What ever." You say." I heard your dating the brother of your ex. How sluty." You ignore her comments and turn back to the front." Alright the singer is....... Tyaana." They all look at you and you sit there confused." Ahhh what?" She smiled." You have a beautiful voice plus you know how to play guitar so it will be cheaper." You shrug. " Alright I'll do it." She smiles." You may do any song you like." You nod and lean back in your chair. She continues on about music symbols and that crap. You sigh and just daydream.

" Cool, so your singing at the fair. I thought you hated singing." Itachi stated." I do but I don't think I suck so I decided to do it." He closes his locker and you two Mae your way to the parking lot." So, will you be my date to the fair?" He asks." Of course I will." You smile. You get in your truck and roll down the window." It is 2 weeks from now so I have to practice." He smiles and kisses you and walks to his car. You sigh and drive home.
~Time skip~
" So your telling me you have a boyfriend!?!?" Your dad asks." Yes." You state." I wanna meet him. What grade is he in?!" You shrug putting a piece of broccoli in your mouth."11th." His eyes go wide." YOUR DATING A SENOR AND YOUR ONLY A FRESHMAN?!?!" You nod." Correct." He sighs." Does he treat you right." You nod. " better than his brother." He raises a eyebrow." His brother is your ex boyfriend?" You nod." GOOD GOD TY!?!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRING WITH YOU!?!?" He asks." I dunno. I like him and he treats me right." You mom interrupts." On a second note I heard ty gets to sing at the festival." You nod." Yup. Two songs." Your brother looks at you." What songs?" You shrug." I guess I will do Hello Kitty and Rock and Roll." They nod." Good songs." You nod." Well I'm going to bed." You put your dish in the sink brush your teeth, shower, put some pjs on, and jump in bed.

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