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Your damn alarm clock goes off and you smash it. Another Monday. It disgusts you. (.polyvore)
You drive to school and saw Itachi and the guys talking with some girl. You didn't think anything if it so you walked up to them." Hey." You waved toward them. The girls looked at you like you where a piece of crap. Itachi puts his arm around your shoulders. "Ty, this is, Sarah, Lily, Emma, Riley, and Nicky." You wave." Hi I'm Ty." They ignore you and flirt with the boys." I'm gonna go find the girls." They nod and you walk to find all the girls glaring at the new girls." What are you glaring at?" They pointed at the girls. " Them?" Temari sneared." What?" They all sneared and looked at me." They are flirting with OUR boyfriends." You made a angry face and pointed at they boys." Go get our boys!!!!!" They all walk toward their boyfriends. They put their arms around their waist to let the girls know BACK OFF!!!! They rolled their eyes and your arms tightened around Itachi." So they're your.......Girlfriends?" That ask in discussed. They nod." YUP!!!! Hinata is my BAE!!!!" Naruto yelled. The girl flirting with him looked down. They walked off and you waved goodbye." Bye Itachi!!!" You walked in the classroom with Gaara." So you and Matsuri, huh?" You asked." What about it?" He asked." Are you dating?" He nodded." It's just like you and Itachi nothing to amazing." You slapped him on the head making him look at you yelling." WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!?" You looked down writing something." For saying it's nothing!!! You are saying one of my best friends." He sighed and continued working.
On your way to math you run into someone. It was pain." Oh, hi pain." He blushed and waved." H-hi." He studdered. You got on your tippy toes and put your palm on his forehead." You ok, your kinda red." His face turned redder and you sighed. And point to the nurses office." Com'on lets go." You say grabbing his hand walking to the nurses.
" Nothing is wrong with him? Why was he all red then?" The nurse sighed." Because he could either be hit ir blushing." You raise a eyebrow." Why would he blush?" The nurse sighed again." He might have a crush on you." You shake your head." Probably just hot. Right Pain?" He nodded." Yeah." You smiled." See." She nodded and wrote a note to both of you." So your not marked tardy." You thanked her and walked to class.
At lunch Itachi sat with you and your group making the 'popular' girls growl. You and tenten leaned on each others back." Uggg I have PE next." Tenten complained." Ohh you poor poor soul." Ino said." Bye the way Ino. What did you do while you and sai where on that trip." She shrugged." Nothing much, his parents where there." She mumbled. You are and temari burst out laughing." It's not funny!!!!!" You nod." It is." Tenten leaned toward her." Don't worry, they said Neji is a slug." She laughed and you continued eating your ramen. The bell rang and you walked to class.
You drove home thinking of Itachi. Your phone buzzed and you checked it. It was itachi wondering if you could make it to a party tonight. You texted back you can. You got home and got ready.(polyvore)
You walked to his house to see music blasting and people dancing. You saw a couple making out. Ew. You saw Sasuke drunk walking toward you. He put his arm around your waist pulling you forward." Hello beautiful how bout we *Hiccup* hit the room." You pushed his face away." Sasuke never in a million years. And you reek of alchohal." He smiles and walks off. You see shikamaru in the corner. You walked over. " Hey shikamaru where's temari." He shrugged." She was screaming st her brother Kankuro about getting drunk." You laugh saying." That sound like temari." A hand appears on your shoulder making you jump." JESUS ITACHI!!" You scream." Sorry." He smiles and you punch him in the shoulder." Ouch. Anyways have you seen Sakura. She has my wallet." You shook your head." I'll help look for her. You heard moaning coming from a room. It sounded like ....... Sakura. You walking in to see a drunk sakura and a drunk Sasuke having sex." Eww Sakura." You throw their clothes at them and walk out. You see Neji and you run to him." QUICKLY BLEACH MY EYES!!!" The looked st you like you where crazy." Are you drunk?" You shake your head." No, I saw Sasuke sleeping with Sakura." He made a discussed face." Eww. Anyway have you seen tenten?" You shake your head. You walk around hoping to find one of our friends.
After a few hours you walk out going home. You lay down falling right asleep.

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